Creating XenApp 6.5 farm Documentation

I get this request from time to time, and usually start with this when taking on a new client with Citrix XenApp 6.5. Documenting the current state. This helps me understand what I am going to be taking on, and compare and contrast the configuration over time.

In the old days different scripts using mfcom were used, now we use powershell with the Citrix xenapp powershell sdk. For example you used to use vbscript like this:


You will need the SDK from Citrix to run these powershell scripts:

I want to give credit to this script to Carl Webster (he did a great job with these and I have used them often: (

Here is a link to the list of various scripts for documenting Citrix with powershell. 

I am quite fond of this script:

i have pasted the current version here in case the site goes down: (save as a .PS1 file)

#This File is in Unicode format.  Do not edit in an ASCII editor.

	Creates a complete inventory of a Citrix XenApp 6.5 farm using Microsoft Word.
	Creates a complete inventory of a Citrix XenApp 6.5 farm using Microsoft Word and PowerShell.
	Creates either a Word document or PDF named after the XenApp 6.5 farm.
	Document includes a Cover Page, Table of Contents and Footer.
	Version 4.xx includes support for the following language versions of Microsoft Word:
.PARAMETER CompanyName
	Company Name to use for the Cover Page.  
	Default value is contained in HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\CompanyName or
	HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\Company, whichever is populated on the 
	computer running the script.
	This parameter has an alias of CN.
	What Microsoft Word Cover Page to use.
	(Default cover pages in Word en-US)
	Valid input is:
		Alphabet (Word 2007/2010. Works)
		Annual (Word 2007/2010. Doesn't really work well for this report)
		Austere (Word 2007/2010. Works)
		Austin (Word 2010/2013. Doesn't work in 2013, mostly works in 2007/2010 but Subtitle/Subject & Author fields need to me moved after title box is moved up)
		Banded (Word 2013. Works)
		Conservative (Word 2007/2010. Works)
		Contrast (Word 2007/2010. Works)
		Cubicles (Word 2007/2010. Works)
		Exposure (Word 2007/2010. Works if you like looking sideways)
		Facet (Word 2013. Works)
		Filigree (Word 2013. Works)
		Grid (Word 2010/2013.Works in 2010)
		Integral (Word 2013. Works)
		Ion (Dark) (Word 2013. Top date doesn't fit, box needs to be manually resized or font changed to 8 point)
		Ion (Light) (Word 2013. Top date doesn't fit, box needs to be manually resized or font changed to 8 point)
		Mod (Word 2007/2010. Works)
		Motion (Word 2007/2010/2013. Works if top date is manually changed to 36 point)
		Newsprint (Word 2010. Works but date is not populated)
		Perspective (Word 2010. Works)
		Pinstripes (Word 2007/2010. Works)
		Puzzle (Word 2007/2010. Top date doesn't fit, box needs to be manually resized or font changed to 14 point)
		Retrospect (Word 2013. Works)
		Semaphore (Word 2013. Works)
		Sideline (Word 2007/2010/2013. Doesn't work in 2013, works in 2007/2010)
		Slice (Dark) (Word 2013. Doesn't work)
		Slice (Light) (Word 2013. Doesn't work)
		Stacks (Word 2007/2010. Works)
		Tiles (Word 2007/2010. Date doesn't fit unless changed to 26 point)
		Transcend (Word 2007/2010. Works)
		ViewMaster (Word 2013. Works)
		Whisp (Word 2013. Works)
	Default value is Sideline.
	This parameter has an alias of CP.
	User name to use for the Cover Page and Footer.
	Default value is contained in $env:username
	This parameter has an alias of UN.
	SaveAs PDF file instead of DOCX file.
	This parameter is disabled by default.
	For Word 2007, the Microsoft add-in for saving as a PDF muct be installed.
	For Word 2007, please see
	The PDF file is roughly 5X to 10X larger than the DOCX file.
	Use WMI to gather hardware information on: Computer System, Disks, Processor and Network Interface Cards
	This parameter is disabled by default.
	Gather software installed by querying the registry.  
	Use SoftwareExclusions.txt to exclude software from the report.
	SoftwareExclusions.txt must exist, and be readable, in the same folder as this script.
	SoftwareExclusions.txt can be an empty file to have no installed applications excluded.
	See Get-Help About-Wildcards for help on formatting the lines to exclude applications.
	This parameter is disabled by default.
	Start date, in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM format, for the Configuration Logging report.
	Default is today's date minus seven days.
	If the StartDate is entered as 01/01/2014, the date becomes 01/01/2014 00:00:00.
	End date, in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM format, for the Configuration Logging report.
	Default is today's date.
	If the EndDate is entered as 01/01/2014, the date becomes 01/01/2014 00:00:00.
	Only give summary information, no details.
	This parameter is disabled by default.
	This parameter cannot be used with either the Hardware, Software, StartDate or EndDate parameters.
	PS C:\PSScript > .\XA65_Inventory_V41.ps1

	Will use all Default values.
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\CompanyName="Carl Webster" or
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\Company="Carl Webster"
	$env:username = Administrator

	Carl Webster for the Company Name.
	Sideline for the Cover Page format.
	Administrator for the User Name.
	PS C:\PSScript > .\XA65_Inventory_V41.ps1 -PDF -verbose

	Will use all Default values and save the document as a PDF file.
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\CompanyName="Carl Webster" or
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\Company="Carl Webster"
	$env:username = Administrator

	Carl Webster for the Company Name.
	Sideline for the Cover Page format.
	Administrator for the User Name.
	Will display verbose messages as the script is running.
	PS C:\PSScript > .\XA65_Inventory_V41.ps1 -Summary

	Creates a Summary report with no detail.
	Will use all Default values.
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\CompanyName="Carl Webster" or
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\Company="Carl Webster"
	$env:username = Administrator

	Carl Webster for the Company Name.
	Sideline for the Cover Page format.
	Administrator for the User Name.
	PS C:\PSScript > .\XA65_Inventory_V41.ps1 -PDF -Summary -verbose

	Creates a Summary report with no detail.
	Will use all Default values and save the document as a PDF file.
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\CompanyName="Carl Webster" or
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\Company="Carl Webster"
	$env:username = Administrator

	Carl Webster for the Company Name.
	Sideline for the Cover Page format.
	Administrator for the User Name.
	Will display verbose messages as the script is running.
	PS C:\PSScript > .\XA65_Inventory_V41.ps1 -Hardware -verbose

	Will use all Default values and add additional information for each server about its hardware.
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\CompanyName="Carl Webster" or
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\Company="Carl Webster"
	$env:username = Administrator

	Carl Webster for the Company Name.
	Sideline for the Cover Page format.
	Administrator for the User Name.
	Will display verbose messages as the script is running.
	PS C:\PSScript > .\XA65_Inventory_V41.ps1 -Software -verbose

	Will use all Default values and add additional information for each server about its installed applications.
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\CompanyName="Carl Webster" or
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\Company="Carl Webster"
	$env:username = Administrator

	Carl Webster for the Company Name.
	Sideline for the Cover Page format.
	Administrator for the User Name.
	Will display verbose messages as the script is running.
	PS C:\PSScript > .\XA65_Inventory_V41.ps1 -StartDate "01/01/2014" -EndDate "01/02/2014" -verbose

	Will use all Default values and add additional information for each server about its installed applications.
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\CompanyName="Carl Webster" or
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\Company="Carl Webster"
	$env:username = Administrator

	Carl Webster for the Company Name.
	Sideline for the Cover Page format.
	Administrator for the User Name.
	Will display verbose messages as the script is running.
	Will return all Configuration Logging entries from "01/01/2014 00:00:00" through "01/02/2014 "00:00:00".
	PS C:\PSScript > .\XA65_Inventory_V41.ps1 -StartDate "01/01/2014" -EndDate "01/01/2014" -verbose

	Will use all Default values and add additional information for each server about its installed applications.
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\CompanyName="Carl Webster" or
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\Company="Carl Webster"
	$env:username = Administrator

	Carl Webster for the Company Name.
	Sideline for the Cover Page format.
	Administrator for the User Name.
	Will display verbose messages as the script is running.
	Will return all Configuration Logging entries from "01/01/2014 00:00:00" through "01/01/2014 "00:00:00".  In other words, nothing is returned.
	PS C:\PSScript > .\XA65_Inventory_V41.ps1 -StartDate "01/01/2014 21:00:00" -EndDate "01/01/2014 22:00:00" -verbose

	Will use all Default values and add additional information for each server about its installed applications.
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\CompanyName="Carl Webster" or
	HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\Company="Carl Webster"
	$env:username = Administrator

	Carl Webster for the Company Name.
	Sideline for the Cover Page format.
	Administrator for the User Name.
	Will display verbose messages as the script is running.
	Will return all Configuration Logging entries from 9PM to 10PM on 01/01/2014.
	PS C:\PSScript .\XA65_Inventory_V41.ps1 -CompanyName "Carl Webster Consulting" -CoverPage "Mod" -UserName "Carl Webster"

	Will use:
		Carl Webster Consulting for the Company Name.
		Mod for the Cover Page format.
		Carl Webster for the User Name.
	PS C:\PSScript .\XA65_Inventory_V41.ps1 -CN "Carl Webster Consulting" -CP "Mod" -UN "Carl Webster"

	Will use:
		Carl Webster Consulting for the Company Name (alias CN).
		Mod for the Cover Page format (alias CP).
		Carl Webster for the User Name (alias UN).
	None.  You cannot pipe objects to this script.
	No objects are output from this script.  This script creates a Word or PDF document.
	NAME: XA65_Inventory_V41.ps1
	AUTHOR: Carl Webster (with a lot of help from Michael B. Smith and Jeff Wouters)
	LASTEDIT: January 19, 2013

#thanks to @jeffwouters and Michael B. Smith for helping me with these parameters
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $False, ConfirmImpact = "None", DefaultParameterSetName = "Standard") ]

	Position = 0, 
	Mandatory=$false )
	Position = 0, 
	Mandatory=$false )

	Position = 1, 
	Mandatory=$false )
	Position = 1, 
	Mandatory=$false )

	Position = 2, 
	Mandatory=$false )
	Position = 2, 
	Mandatory=$false )

	Position = 3, 
	Mandatory=$false )
	Position = 3, 
	Mandatory=$false )

	Position = 4, 
	Mandatory=$false )

	Position = 5, 
	Mandatory=$false )

	Position = 6, 
	[Datetime]$StartDate = ((Get-Date -displayhint date).AddDays(-7)),

	Position = 7, 
	[Datetime]$EndDate = (Get-Date -displayhint date),

	Position = 8, 
	Mandatory=$false )

#force -verbose on
$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{"*:Verbose"=$True}
If($Hardware -eq $Null)
	$Hardware = $False
If($Software -eq $Null)
	$Software = $False
If($Summary -eq $Null)
	$Summary = $False

#Original Script created 8/17/2010 by Michael Bogobowicz, Citrix Systems.
#To contact, please message @mikebogo on Twitter
#This script is designed to be run on a XenApp 6.5 server

#Modifications by Carl Webster, CTP and independent consultant
#[email protected]
#@carlwebster on Twitter
#modified from the original script for XenApp 6.5
#	Version 4 of script is based on version 3.17 of XA65 script
#	Add ability to process AD based Citrix policies
#	Add Appendix A for Session Sharing information
#	Add Appendix B for Server Major Items
#	Add descriptions for Citrix Policy filter type
#	Add detecting the running Operating System to handle Word 2007 oddness with Server 2003/2008 vs Windows 7 vs Server 2008 R2
#	Add elapsed time to end of script
#	Add extra testing for applications, load balancing policies and worker groups to report if none exist instead of issuing a warning
#	Add get-date to all write-verbose statements
#	Add missing "None" option to ICA\Visual Display\Moving Images\Progressive compression level
#	Add more Write-Verbose statements
#	Add option to SaveAs PDF
#	Add setting Default tab stops at 36 points (1/2 inch in the USA)
#	Add Software Inventory
#	Add Summary Page
#	Add support for non-English versions of Microsoft Word
#	Add WMI hardware information for Computer System, Disks, Processor and Network Interface Cards
#	Change all instances of using $Word.Quit() to also use proper garbage collection
#	Change all occurrences of Access Session Conditions to Tables 
#	Change Default Cover Page to Sideline since Motion is not in German Word
#	Change Get-RegistryValue function to handle $null return value
#	Change most $Global: variables to regular variables
#	Change the test for the existence of XA65ConfigLog.udl from using .\ to $pwd.path
#	Change wording of not being able to load the Citrix.GroupPolicy.Commands.psm1 module
#	Change wording when script aborts from a blank company name
#	Fix issues with Word 2007 SaveAs under (Server 2008 and Windows 7) and Server 2008 R2
#	Fix logic error when comparing Citrix installed hotfixes to the recommended list
#	Fix output and missing items from ICA\Printing\Client Printers\Printer driver mapping and compatibility
#	Fix output of ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Flash Redirection\Flash URL compatibility list
#	Fix output of ICA\MultiStream Connections\Multi-Port Policy
#	Fix output of ICA\Printing\Drivers\Universal driver preference
#	Fix output of ICA\Printing\Session printers
#	Fix output of ICA\Printing\Universal Printing\Universal printing optimization defaults
#	Fix output of Server Settings\Health Monitoring and Recovery\Health monitoring tests
#	Fix WaitForPrintersToBeCreated policy setting
#	Fixing ICA\Printing\Session printers and ICA\Printing\Client Printers\Printer driver mapping and compatibility  required a new Function Get-PrinterModifiedSettings to keep from having duplicate code from Session Printers
#	Abort script if Farm information cannot be retrieved
#	Align Tables on Tab stop boundaries
#	Consolidated all the code to properly abort the script into a function AbortScript
#	Force the -verbose common parameter to be $True if running PoSH V3 and later
#	General code cleanup
#	If cover page selected does not exist, abort script
#	If running Word 2007 and the Save As PDF option is selected then verify the Save As PDF add-in is installed.  Abort script if not installed.
#	In the Server section, change Published Application to a Table
#	Load Balancing Policies: fixed display of "Apply to connections made through Access Gateway" and "Configure application connection preference based on worker group"
#	Only process WMI hardware information if the server is online
#	Strongly type all possible variables
#	Update for changes to CTX129229
#	Verify Get-HotFix cmdlet worked.  If not, write error and suggestion to document
#	Verify Word object is created.  If not, write error & suggestion to document and abort script
#Updated 07-Nov-2013
#	Changed link to Citrix.GroupPolicy.Commands.psm module to my Dropbox
#	Changed the GetCtxGPOsInAD function to work in a Windows Workgroup environment
#	Removed the .LINK section from the help text
#	The Hotfix array for Citrix hotfixes was not initialized correctly causing all installed Citrix hotfixes to show as not installed.
#Updated 12-Nov-2013
#	Added back in the French sections that somehow got removed
#Version 4.1 Updates and fixes:
#	Added additional error checking when retrieving Network Interface WMI data
#	Added additional Write-Verbose statements for the AD policy function
#	Added beginning and ending dates for retrieving Configuration Logging data
#	Added four policy settings that are only for AD based Citrix policies
#	Added help text to show the script produces a Word or PDF document
#	Added help text to show the Summary option cannot be used with either the Software or Hardware options
#	Added Parameter sets to support the Summary option
#	Added Summary report option
#	Changed Configuration Logging section to a Word table
#	Changed to using $PSCulture for Word culture setting
#	Don't abort script if Cover Page is not found
#	Fixed bug where the AD Policy function did not work if there was only one AD policy
#	For applications, move list of servers and worker groups to table
#	For the software inventory add DisplayVersion to the table
#	For Worker Groups, move list of servers and applications to table
#	Function, validStateProp, created by Michael B. Smith to handle "property cannot be found on this object" error on Mobile Experience policy settings
#	If remoting is used, verify that remoting server is not in session-only mode
#	In Appendix B, if the License Server cell is empty replace with the text "Set by policy"
#	Only include Valid hotfixes in the table of installed Citrix hotfixes
#	Removed the Valid column for the Citrix hotfix table
#	Removed the extra blank line between Administrators
#	The XenApp 6.5 Mobility Pack added a new User policy node with three settings
#	Updated for CTX129229 that was updated on 31-Dec-2013

Set-StrictMode -Version 2

#the following values were attained from 
[int]$wdAlignPageNumberRight = 2
[long]$wdColorGray15 = 14277081
[long]$wdColorGray05 = 15987699 
[int]$wdMove = 0
[int]$wdSeekMainDocument = 0
[int]$wdSeekPrimaryFooter = 4
[int]$wdStory = 6
[int]$wdColorRed = 255
[int]$wdColorBlack = 0
[int]$wdWord2007 = 12
[int]$wdWord2010 = 14
[int]$wdWord2013 = 15
[int]$wdSaveFormatPDF = 17
[int]$wdCaptionPositionAbove  = 0
[int]$wdCaptionTable  = -2
[bool]$wdExcludeLabel = $True
[string]$wdTitleAutoText = ""
[string]$RunningOS = (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption

$hash = @{}

# DE and FR translations for Word 2010 by Vladimir Radojevic
# [email protected]

# DA translations for Word 2010 by Thomas Daugaard
# Citrix Infrastructure Specialist at edgemo A/S

# CA translations by Javier Sanchez 
# CEO & Founder 101 Consulting

#ca - Catalan
#da - Danish
#de - German
#en - English
#es - Spanish
#fi - Finnish
#fr - French
#nb - Norwegian
#nl - Dutch
#pt - Portuguese
#sv - Swedish

Switch ($PSCulture.Substring(0,3))
	'ca-'	{
			$hash.($($PSCulture)) = @{
				'Word_TableOfContents' = 'Taula automática 2';

	'da-'	{
			$hash.($($PSCulture)) = @{
				'Word_TableOfContents' = 'Automatisk tabel 2';

	'de-'	{
			$hash.($($PSCulture)) = @{
				'Word_TableOfContents' = 'Automatische Tabelle 2';

	'en-'	{
			$hash.($($PSCulture)) = @{
				'Word_TableOfContents'  = 'Automatic Table 2';

	'es-'	{
			$hash.($($PSCulture)) = @{
				'Word_TableOfContents' = 'Tabla automática 2';

	'fi-'	{
			$hash.($($PSCulture)) = @{
				'Word_TableOfContents' = 'Automaattinen taulukko 2';

	'fr-'	{
			$hash.($($PSCulture)) = @{
				'Word_TableOfContents' = 'Sommaire Automatique 2';

	'nb-'	{
			$hash.($($PSCulture)) = @{
				'Word_TableOfContents' = 'Automatisk tabell 2';

	'nl-'	{
			$hash.($($PSCulture)) = @{
				'Word_TableOfContents' = 'Automatische inhoudsopgave 2';

	'pt-'	{
			$hash.($($PSCulture)) = @{
				'Word_TableOfContents' = 'Sumário Automático 2';

	'sv-'	{
			$hash.($($PSCulture)) = @{
				'Word_TableOfContents' = 'Automatisk innehållsförteckning2';

	Default	{$hash.('en-US') = @{
				'Word_TableOfContents'  = 'Automatic Table 2';

[int]$wdStyleHeading1 = -2
[int]$wdStyleHeading2 = -3
[int]$wdStyleHeading3 = -4
[int]$wdStyleHeading4 = -5
[int]$wdStyleNoSpacing = -158
[int]$wdTableGrid = -155

$myHash = $hash.$PSCulture

If($myHash -eq $Null)
	$myHash = $hash.('en-US')

$myHash.Word_NoSpacing = $wdStyleNoSpacing
$myHash.Word_Heading1 = $wdStyleheading1
$myHash.Word_Heading2 = $wdStyleheading2
$myHash.Word_Heading3 = $wdStyleheading3
$myHash.Word_Heading4 = $wdStyleheading4
$myHash.Word_TableGrid = $wdTableGrid

Function ValidateCoverPage
	Param([int]$xWordVersion, [string]$xCP)

	$xArray = ""

	Switch ($PSCulture.Substring(0,3))
		'ca-'	{
				If($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
					$xArray = ("Austin", "En bandes", "Faceta", "Filigrana",
					"Integral", "Ió (clar)", "Ió (fosc)", "Línia lateral",
					"Moviment", "Quadrícula", "Retrospectiu", "Sector (clar)",
					"Sector (fosc)", "Semàfor", "Visualització", "Whisp")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
					$xArray = ("Alfabet", "Anual", "Austin", "Conservador",
					"Contrast", "Cubicles", "Diplomàtic", "Exposició",
					"Línia lateral", "Mod", "Mosiac", "Moviment", "Paper de diari",
					"Perspectiva", "Piles", "Quadrícula", "Sobri",
					"Transcendir", "Trencaclosques")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
					$xArray = ("Alfabet", "Anual", "Conservador", "Contrast",
					"Cubicles", "Diplomàtic", "En mosaic", "Exposició", "Línia lateral",
					"Mod", "Moviment", "Piles", "Sobri", "Transcendir", "Trencaclosques")

		'da-'	{
				If($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
					$xArray = ("BevægElse", "Brusen", "Ion (lys)", "Filigran",
					"Retro", "Semafor", "Visningsmaster", "Integral",
					"Facet", "Gitter", "Stribet", "Sidelinje", "Udsnit (lys)",
					"Udsnit (mørk)", "Ion (mørk)", "Austin")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
					$xArray = ("BevægElse", "Moderat", "Perspektiv", "Firkanter",
					"Overskrid", "Alfabet", "Kontrast", "Stakke", "Fliser", "GÃ¥de",
					"Gitter", "Austin", "Eksponering", "Sidelinje", "Enkel",
					"NÃ¥lestribet", "Ã…rlig", "Avispapir", "Tradionel")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
					$xArray = ("Alfabet", "Årlig", "BevægElse", "Eksponering",
					"Enkel", "Firkanter", "Fliser", "GÃ¥de", "Kontrast",
					"Mod", "NÃ¥lestribet", "Overskrid", "Sidelinje", "Stakke",

		'de-'	{
				If($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
					$xArray = ("Semaphor", "Segment (hell)", "Ion (hell)",
					"Raster", "Ion (dunkel)", "Filigran", "Rückblick", "Pfiff",
					"ViewMaster", "Segment (dunkel)", "Verbunden", "Bewegung",
					"Randlinie", "Austin", "Integral", "Facette")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
					$xArray = ("Alphabet", "Austin", "Bewegung", "Durchscheinend",
					"Herausgestellt", "Jährlich", "Kacheln", "Kontrast", "Kubistisch",
					"Modern", "Nadelstreifen", "Perspektive", "Puzzle", "Randlinie",
					"Raster", "Schlicht", "Stapel", "Traditionell", "Zeitungspapier")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
					$xArray = ("Alphabet", "Bewegung", "Durchscheinend", "Herausgestellt",
					"Jährlich", "Kacheln", "Kontrast", "Kubistisch", "Modern",
					"Nadelstreifen", "Puzzle", "Randlinie", "Raster", "Schlicht", "Stapel",

		'en-'	{
				If($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
					$xArray = ("Austin", "Banded", "Facet", "Filigree", "Grid",
					"Integral", "Ion (Dark)", "Ion (Light)", "Motion", "Retrospect",
					"Semaphore", "Sideline", "Slice (Dark)", "Slice (Light)", "ViewMaster",
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
					$xArray = ("Alphabet", "Annual", "Austere", "Austin", "Conservative",
					"Contrast", "Cubicles", "Exposure", "Grid", "Mod", "Motion", "Newsprint",
					"Perspective", "Pinstripes", "Puzzle", "Sideline", "Stacks", "Tiles", "Transcend")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
					$xArray = ("Alphabet", "Annual", "Austere", "Conservative", "Contrast",
					"Cubicles", "Exposure", "Mod", "Motion", "Pinstripes", "Puzzle",
					"Sideline", "Stacks", "Tiles", "Transcend")

		'es-'	{
				If($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
					$xArray = ("Whisp", "Vista principal", "Filigrana", "Austin",
					"Slice (luz)", "Faceta", "Semáforo", "Retrospectiva", "Cuadrícula",
					"Movimiento", "Cortar (oscuro)", "Línea lateral", "Ion (oscuro)",
					"Ion (claro)", "Integral", "Con bandas")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
					$xArray = ("Alfabeto", "Anual", "Austero", "Austin", "Conservador",
					"Contraste", "Cuadrícula", "Cubículos", "Exposición", "Línea lateral",
					"Moderno", "Mosaicos", "Movimiento", "Papel periódico",
					"Perspectiva", "Pilas", "Puzzle", "Rayas", "Sobrepasar")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
					$xArray = ("Alfabeto", "Anual", "Austero", "Conservador",
					"Contraste", "Cubículos", "Exposición", "Línea lateral",
					"Moderno", "Mosaicos", "Movimiento", "Pilas", "Puzzle",
					"Rayas", "Sobrepasar")

		'fi-'	{
				If($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
					$xArray = ("Filigraani", "Integraali", "Ioni (tumma)",
					"Ioni (vaalea)", "Opastin", "Pinta", "Retro", "Sektori (tumma)",
					"Sektori (vaalea)", "Vaihtuvavärinen", "ViewMaster", "Austin",
					"Kiehkura", "Liike", "Ruudukko", "Sivussa")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
					$xArray = ("Aakkoset", "Askeettinen", "Austin", "Kontrasti",
					"Laatikot", "Liike", "Liituraita", "Mod", "Osittain peitossa",
					"Palapeli", "Perinteinen", "Perspektiivi", "Pinot", "Ruudukko",
					"Ruudut", "Sanomalehtipaperi", "Sivussa", "Vuotuinen", "Ylitys")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
					$xArray = ("Aakkoset", "Alttius", "Kontrasti", "Kuvakkeet ja tiedot",
					"Liike" , "Liituraita" , "Mod" , "Palapeli", "Perinteinen", "Pinot",
					"Sivussa", "Työpisteet", "Vuosittainen", "Yksinkertainen", "Ylitys")

		'fr-'	{
				If($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
					$xArray = ("ViewMaster", "Secteur (foncé)", "Sémaphore",
					"Rétrospective", "Ion (foncé)", "Ion (clair)", "Intégrale",
					"Filigrane", "Facette", "Secteur (clair)", "À bandes", "Austin",
					"Guide", "Whisp", "Lignes latérales", "Quadrillage")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
					$xArray = ("Mosaïques", "Ligne latérale", "Annuel", "Perspective",
					"Contraste", "Emplacements de bureau", "Moderne", "Blocs empilés",
					"Rayures fines", "Austère", "Transcendant", "Classique", "Quadrillage",
					"Exposition", "Alphabet", "Mots croisés", "Papier journal", "Austin", "Guide")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
					$xArray = ("Alphabet", "Annuel", "Austère", "Blocs empilés", "Blocs superposés",
					"Classique", "Contraste", "Exposition", "Guide", "Ligne latérale", "Moderne",
					"Mosaïques", "Mots croisés", "Rayures fines", "Transcendant")

		'nb-'	{
				If($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
					$xArray = ("Austin", "BevegElse", "Dempet", "Fasett", "Filigran",
					"Integral", "Ion (lys)", "Ion (mørk)", "Retrospekt", "Rutenett",
					"Sektor (lys)", "Sektor (mørk)", "Semafor", "Sidelinje", "Stripet",
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
					$xArray = ("Alfabet", "Ã…rlig", "Avistrykk", "Austin", "Avlukker",
					"BevegElse", "Engasjement", "Enkel", "Fliser", "Konservativ",
					"Kontrast", "Mod", "Perspektiv", "Puslespill", "Rutenett", "Sidelinje",
					"Smale striper", "Stabler", "Transcenderende")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
					$xArray = ("Alfabet", "Ã…rlig", "Avlukker", "BevegElse", "Engasjement",
					"Enkel", "Fliser", "Konservativ", "Kontrast", "Mod", "Puslespill",
					"Sidelinje", "Smale striper", "Stabler", "Transcenderende")

		'nl-'	{
				If($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
					$xArray = ("Austin", "Beweging", "Facet", "Filigraan", "Gestreept",
					"Integraal", "Ion (donker)", "Ion (licht)", "Raster",
					"Segment (Light)", "Semafoor", "Slice (donker)", "Spriet",
					"Terugblik", "Terzijde", "ViewMaster")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
					$xArray = ("Aantrekkelijk", "Alfabet", "Austin", "Bescheiden",
					"Beweging", "Blikvanger", "Contrast", "Eenvoudig", "Jaarlijks",
					"Krantenpapier", "Krijtstreep", "Kubussen", "Mod", "Perspectief",
					"Puzzel", "Raster", "Stapels",
					"Tegels", "Terzijde")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
					$xArray = ("Aantrekkelijk", "Alfabet", "Bescheiden", "Beweging",
					"Blikvanger", "Contrast", "Eenvoudig", "Jaarlijks", "Krijtstreep",
					"Mod", "Puzzel", "Stapels", "Tegels", "Terzijde", "Werkplekken")

		'pt-'	{
				If($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
					$xArray = ("Animação", "Austin", "Em Tiras", "Exibição Mestra",
					"Faceta", "Fatia (Clara)", "Fatia (Escura)", "Filete", "Filigrana",
					"Grade", "Integral", "Íon (Claro)", "Íon (Escuro)", "Linha Lateral",
					"Retrospectiva", "Semáforo")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
					$xArray = ("Alfabeto", "Animação", "Anual", "Austero", "Austin", "Baias",
					"Conservador", "Contraste", "Exposição", "Grade", "Ladrilhos",
					"Linha Lateral", "Listras", "Mod", "Papel Jornal", "Perspectiva", "Pilhas",
					"Quebra-cabeça", "Transcend")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
					$xArray = ("Alfabeto", "Animação", "Anual", "Austero", "Baias", "Conservador",
					"Contraste", "Exposição", "Ladrilhos", "Linha Lateral", "Listras", "Mod",
					"Pilhas", "Quebra-cabeça", "Transcendente")

		'sv-'	{
				If($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
					$xArray = ("Austin", "Band", "Fasett", "Filigran", "Integrerad", "Jon (ljust)",
					"Jon (mörkt)", "Knippe", "Rutnät", "RörElse", "Sektor (ljus)", "Sektor (mörk)",
					"Semafor", "Sidlinje", "VisaHuvudsida", "Ã…terblick")
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
					$xArray = ("Alfabetmönster", "Austin", "Enkelt", "Exponering", "Konservativt",
					"Kontrast", "Kritstreck", "Kuber", "Perspektiv", "Plattor", "Pussel", "Rutnät",
					"RörElse", "Sidlinje", "Sobert", "Staplat", "Tidningspapper", "Årligt",
				ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
					$xArray = ("Alfabetmönster", "Årligt", "Enkelt", "Exponering", "Konservativt",
					"Kontrast", "Kritstreck", "Kuber", "Övergående", "Plattor", "Pussel", "RörElse",
					"Sidlinje", "Sobert", "Staplat")

		Default	{
					If($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
						$xArray = ("Austin", "Banded", "Facet", "Filigree", "Grid", "Integral",
						"Ion (Dark)", "Ion (Light)", "Motion", "Retrospect", "Semaphore",
						"Sideline", "Slice (Dark)", "Slice (Light)", "ViewMaster", "Whisp")
					ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
						$xArray = ("Alphabet", "Annual", "Austere", "Austin", "Conservative",
						"Contrast", "Cubicles", "Exposure", "Grid", "Mod", "Motion", "Newsprint",
						"Perspective", "Pinstripes", "Puzzle", "Sideline", "Stacks", "Tiles", "Transcend")
					ElseIf($xWordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
						$xArray = ("Alphabet", "Annual", "Austere", "Conservative", "Contrast",
						"Cubicles", "Exposure", "Mod", "Motion", "Pinstripes", "Puzzle",
						"Sideline", "Stacks", "Tiles", "Transcend")

	If($xArray -contains $xCP)
		Return $True
		Return $False

Function GetComputerWMIInfo

	# original work by Kees Baggerman, 
	# Senior Technical Consultant @ Inter Access
	# [email protected]
	# @kbaggerman on Twitter

	#Get Computer info
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing WMI Computer information"
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tHardware information"
	WriteWordLine 3 0 "Computer Information"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "General Computer"
	[bool]$GotComputerItems = $True

		$Results = Get-WmiObject -computername $RemoteComputerName win32_computersystem
		$ComputerItems = $Results | Select Manufacturer, Model, Domain, @{N="TotalPhysicalRam"; E={[math]::round(($_.TotalPhysicalMemory / 1GB),0)}}
		$Results = $Null

		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem failed for $($RemoteComputerName)"
		$GotComputerItems = $False
		Write-Warning "Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem failed for $($RemoteComputerName)"
		WriteWordLine 0 0 "Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem failed for $($RemoteComputerName)"
		WriteWordLine 0 0 "On $($RemoteComputerName) you may need to run winmgmt /verifyrepository and winmgmt /salvagerepository"

		ForEach($Item in $ComputerItems)
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Manufacturer`t: " $Item.manufacturer
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Model`t`t: " $Item.model
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Domain`t`t: " $Item.domain
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Total Ram`t: $($Item.totalphysicalram) GB"
			WriteWordLine 0 2 ""

	#Get Disk info
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tDrive information"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Drive(s)"
	[bool]$GotDrives = $True

		$Results = Get-WmiObject -computername $RemoteComputerName Win32_LogicalDisk
		$drives = $Results | select caption, @{N="drivesize"; E={[math]::round(($_.size / 1GB),0)}}, 
		filesystem, @{N="drivefreespace"; E={[math]::round(($_.freespace / 1GB),0)}}, 
		volumename, drivetype, volumedirty, volumeserialnumber
		$Results = $Null

		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk failed for $($RemoteComputerName)"
		$GotDrives = $False
		Write-Warning "Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk failed for $($RemoteComputerName)"
		WriteWordLine 0 0 "Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk failed for $($RemoteComputerName)"
		WriteWordLine 0 0 "On $($RemoteComputerName) you may need to run winmgmt /verifyrepository and winmgmt /salvagerepository"

		ForEach($drive in $drives)
			If($drive.caption -ne "A:" -and $drive.caption -ne "B:")
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Caption`t`t: " $drive.caption
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Size`t`t: $($drive.drivesize) GB"
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "File System`t: " $drive.filesystem
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Free Space`t: $($drive.drivefreespace) GB"
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "Volume Name`t: " $drive.volumename
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "Volume is Dirty`t: " -nonewline
						WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"
						WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "Volume Serial #`t: " $drive.volumeserialnumber
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Drive Type`t: " -nonewline
				Switch ($drive.drivetype)
					0	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
					1	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "No Root Directory"}
					2	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Removable Disk"}
					3	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Local Disk"}
					4	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Network Drive"}
					5	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Compact Disc"}
					6	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "RAM Disk"}
					Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
				WriteWordLine 0 2 ""

	#Get CPU's and stepping
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessor information"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Processor(s)"
	[bool]$GotProcessors = $True

		$Results = Get-WmiObject -computername $RemoteComputerName win32_Processor
		$Processors = $Results | select availability, name, description, maxclockspeed, 
		l2cachesize, l3cachesize, numberofcores, numberoflogicalprocessors
		$Results = $Null

		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Get-WmiObject win32_Processor failed for $($RemoteComputerName)"
		$GotProcessors = $False
		Write-Warning "Get-WmiObject win32_Processor failed for $($RemoteComputerName)"
		WriteWordLine 0 0 "Get-WmiObject win32_Processor failed for $($RemoteComputerName)"
		WriteWordLine 0 0 "On $($RemoteComputerName) you may need to run winmgmt /verifyrepository and winmgmt /salvagerepository"

		ForEach($processor in $processors)
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Name`t`t`t: " $
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Description`t`t: " $processor.description
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Max Clock Speed`t: $($processor.maxclockspeed) MHz"
			If($processor.l2cachesize -gt 0)
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "L2 Cache Size`t`t: $($processor.l2cachesize) KB"
			If($processor.l3cachesize -gt 0)
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "L3 Cache Size`t`t: $($processor.l3cachesize) KB"
			If($processor.numberofcores -gt 0)
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "# of Cores`t`t: " $processor.numberofcores
			If($processor.numberoflogicalprocessors -gt 0)
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "# of Logical Procs`t: " $processor.numberoflogicalprocessors
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Availability`t`t: " -nonewline
			Switch ($processor.availability)
				1	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Other"}
				2	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
				3	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Running or Full Power"}
				4	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Warning"}
				5	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "In Test"}
				6	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Not Applicable"}
				7	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Power Off"}
				8	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Off Line"}
				9	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Off Duty"}
				10	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Degraded"}
				11	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Not Installed"}
				12	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Install Error"}
				13	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Power Save - Unknown"}
				14	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Power Save - Low Power Mode"}
				15	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Power Save - Standby"}
				16	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Power Cycle"}
				17	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Power Save - Warning"}
				Default	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
			WriteWordLine 0 2 ""

	#Get Nics
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tNIC information"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Network Interface(s)"
	[bool]$GotNics = $True

		$Results = Get-WmiObject -computername $RemoteComputerName win32_networkadapterconfiguration 
		$Nics = $Results | where {$_.ipenabled -eq $True}
		$Results = $Null

		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Get-WmiObject win32_networkadapterconfiguration failed for $($RemoteComputerName)"
		$GotNics = $False
		Write-Warning "Get-WmiObject win32_networkadapterconfiguration failed for $($RemoteComputerName)"
		WriteWordLine 0 0 "Get-WmiObject win32_networkadapterconfiguration failed for $($RemoteComputerName)"
		WriteWordLine 0 0 "On $($RemoteComputerName) you may need to run winmgmt /verifyrepository and winmgmt /salvagerepository"

	If( $Nics -eq $Null ) 
		$GotNics = $False 
		$GotNics = !($Nics.__PROPERTY_COUNT -eq 0) 

		ForEach($nic in $nics)
			$ThisNic = Get-WmiObject -computername $RemoteComputerName win32_networkadapter | where {$_.index -eq $nic.index}
			If($ThisNic.Name -eq $nic.description)
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Name`t`t`t: " $ThisNic.Name
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Name`t`t`t: " $ThisNic.Name
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Description`t`t: " $nic.description
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Connection ID`t`t: " $ThisNic.NetConnectionID
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Manufacturer`t`t: " $ThisNic.manufacturer
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Availability`t`t: " -nonewline
			Switch ($ThisNic.availability)
				1	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Other"}
				2	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
				3	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Running or Full Power"}
				4	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Warning"}
				5	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "In Test"}
				6	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Not Applicable"}
				7	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Power Off"}
				8	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Off Line"}
				9	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Off Duty"}
				10	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Degraded"}
				11	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Not Installed"}
				12	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Install Error"}
				13	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Power Save - Unknown"}
				14	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Power Save - Low Power Mode"}
				15	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Power Save - Standby"}
				16	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Power Cycle"}
				17	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Power Save - Warning"}
				Default	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Physical Address`t: " $nic.macaddress
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "IP Address`t`t: " $nic.ipaddress
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Default Gateway`t: " $nic.Defaultipgateway
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "Subnet Mask`t`t: " $nic.ipsubnet
				$DHCPLeaseObtainedDate = $nic.ConvertToDateTime($nic.dhcpleaseobtained)
				$DHCPLeaseExpiresDate = $nic.ConvertToDateTime($nic.dhcpleaseexpires)
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "DHCP Enabled`t`t: " $nic.dhcpenabled
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "DHCP Lease Obtained`t: " $dhcpleaseobtaineddate
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "DHCP Lease Expires`t: " $dhcpleaseexpiresdate
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "DHCP Server`t`t:" $nic.dhcpserver
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "DNS Domain`t`t: " $nic.dnsdomain
			If($nic.dnsdomainsuffixsearchorder -ne $Null -and $nic.dnsdomainsuffixsearchorder.length -gt 0)
				[int]$x = 1
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "DNS Search Suffixes`t:" -nonewline
				ForEach($DNSDomain in $nic.dnsdomainsuffixsearchorder)
					If($x -eq 1)
						$x = 2
						WriteWordLine 0 0 " $($DNSDomain)"
						WriteWordLine 0 5 " $($DNSDomain)"
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "DNS WINS Enabled`t: " -nonewline
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"
			If($nic.dnsserversearchorder -ne $Null -and $nic.dnsserversearchorder.length -gt 0)
				[int]$x = 1
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "DNS Servers`t`t:" -nonewline
				ForEach($DNSServer in $nic.dnsserversearchorder)
					If($x -eq 1)
						$x = 2
						WriteWordLine 0 0 " $($DNSServer)"
						WriteWordLine 0 5 " $($DNSServer)"
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "NetBIOS Setting`t`t: " -nonewline
			Switch ($nic.TcpipNetbiosOptions)
				0	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Use NetBIOS setting from DHCP Server"}
				1	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Enable NetBIOS"}
				2	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Disable NetBIOS"}
				Default	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
			WriteWordLine 0 2 "WINS:"
			WriteWordLine 0 3 "Enabled LMHosts`t: " -nonewline
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"
				WriteWordLine 0 3 "Host Lookup File`t: " $nic.winshostlookupfile
				WriteWordLine 0 3 "Primary Server`t`t: " $nic.winsprimaryserver
				WriteWordLine 0 3 "Secondary Server`t: " $nic.winssecondaryserver
				WriteWordLine 0 3 "Scope ID`t`t: " $nic.winsscopeid
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""

Function ConvertTo-ScriptBlock 
	#by Jeff Wouters, PowerShell MVP
	$ScriptBlock = $executioncontext.invokecommand.NewScriptBlock($string)
	Return $ScriptBlock

Function SWExclusions 
	# original work by Shaun Ritchie
	# performance improvements by Jeff Wouters, PowerShell MVP
	# modified by Webster
	# modified 3-jan-2014 to add displayversion
	$var = ""
	$Tmp = '$InstalledApps | Where-Object {'
	$Exclusions = Get-Content "$($pwd.path)\SoftwareExclusions.txt" -EA 0
	If($Exclusions -ne $Null -and $Exclusions.Count -gt 0)
		ForEach($Exclusion in $Exclusions) 
			$Tmp += "(`$`_.DisplayName -notlike ""$($Exclusion)"") -and "
		$var += $Tmp.Substring(0,($Tmp.Length - 6))
		$var += "} | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion | Sort DisplayName -unique"
	return $var

Function CheckWordPrereq
	If((Test-Path  REGISTRY::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Application) -eq $False)
		Write-Host "This script directly outputs to Microsoft Word, please install Microsoft Word"

	#find out our session (usually "1" except on TS/RDC or Citrix)
	$SessionID = (Get-Process -PID $PID).SessionId

	#Find out if winword is running in our session
	[bool]$wordrunning = ((Get-Process 'WinWord' -ea 0)|?{$_.SessionId -eq $SessionID}) -ne $Null
		Write-Host "Please close all instances of Microsoft Word before running this report."

Function CheckWord2007SaveAsPDFInstalled
	If((Test-Path  REGISTRY::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\000021090B0090400000000000F01FEC) -eq $False)
		Write-Host "Word 2007 is detected and the option to SaveAs PDF was selected but the Word 2007 SaveAs PDF add-in is not installed."
		Write-Host "The add-in can be downloaded from"
		Write-Host "Install the SaveAs PDF add-in and rerun the script."
		Return $False
	Return $True

Function ValidateCompanyName
	[bool]$xResult = Test-RegistryValue "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo" "CompanyName"
		Return Get-RegistryValue "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo" "CompanyName"
		$xResult = Test-RegistryValue "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo" "Company"
			Return Get-RegistryValue "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo" "Company"
			Return ""

# This Function just gets $True or $False
Function Test-RegistryValue($path, $name)
	$key = Get-Item -LiteralPath $path -EA 0
	$key -and $Null -ne $key.GetValue($name, $Null)

# Gets the specified registry value or $Null if it is missing
Function Get-RegistryValue($path, $name)
	$key = Get-Item -LiteralPath $path -EA 0
		$key.GetValue($name, $Null)

Function MultiPortPolicyPriority
	Param([int]$PriorityValue = 3)

	Switch ($PriorityValue)
		0 {"Very High"} 
		1 {"High"} 
		2 {"Medium"} 
		3 {"Low"} 
		Default {"Unknown Priority Value"}
	Return $PriorityValue

Function ConvertNumberToTime
	Param([int]$val = 0)

	#this is stored as a number between 0 (00:00 AM) and 1439 (23:59 PM)
	#180 = 3AM
	#900 = 3PM
	#1027 = 5:07 PM
	#[int] (1027/60) = 17 or 5PM
	#1027 % 60 leaves 7 or 7 minutes

	#thanks to MBS for the next line
	[int]$hour = [System.Math]::Floor(([int] $val) / ([int] 60))
	[int]$minute = $val % 60
	[string]$Strminute = $minute.ToString()
	[string]$tempminute = ""
	If($Strminute.length -lt 2)
		$tempMinute = "0" + $Strminute
		$tempminute = $strminute
	[string]$AMorPM = "AM"
	If($Hour -ge 0 -and $Hour -le 11)
		$AMorPM = "AM"
		$AMorPM = "PM"
		If($Hour -ge 12)
			$Hour = $Hour - 12
	Return "$($hour):$($tempminute) $($AMorPM)"

Function ConvertIntegerToDate
	#thanks to MBS for helping me on this Function
	Param([int]$DateAsInteger = 0)

	#this is stored as an integer but is actually a bitmask
	#01/01/2013 = 131924225 = 11111011101 00000001 00000001
	#01/17/2013 = 131924241 = 11111011101 00000001 00010001
	# last 8 bits are the day
	# previous 8 bits are the month
	# the rest (up to 16) are the year

	[int]$year     = [Math]::Floor($DateAsInteger / 65536)
	[int]$month    = [Math]::Floor($DateAsInteger / 256) % 256
	[int]$day      = $DateAsInteger % 256

	Return "$Month/$Day/$Year"

Function Check-LoadedModule
#Function created by Jeff Wouters
#@JeffWouters on Twitter
#modified by Michael B. Smith to handle when the module doesn't exist on server
#modified by @andyjmorgan
#bug fixed by @schose
#bug fixed by Peter Bosen
#This Function handles all three scenarios:
# 1. Module is already imported into current session
# 2. Module is not already imported into current session, it does exists on the server and is imported
# 3. Module does not exist on the server

	Param([parameter(Mandatory = $True)][alias("Module")][string]$ModuleName)
	#$LoadedModules = Get-Module | Select Name
	#following line changed at the recommendation of @andyjmorgan
	$LoadedModules = Get-Module |% { $_.Name.ToString() }
	#bug reported on 21-JAN-2013 by @schose 
	#the following line did not work if the citrix.grouppolicy.commands.psm1 module
	#was manually loaded from a non Default folder
	#$ModuleFound = (!$LoadedModules -like "*$ModuleName*")

	[bool]$ModuleFound = ($LoadedModules -like "*$ModuleName*")
		$module = Import-Module -Name $ModuleName -PassThru -EA 0
		If($module -and $?)
			# module imported properly
			Return $True
			# module import failed
			Return $False
		#module already imported into current session
		Return $True

Function Check-NeededPSSnapins
	Param([parameter(Mandatory = $True)][alias("Snapin")][string[]]$Snapins)

	#Function specifics
	$MissingSnapins = @()
	[bool]$FoundMissingSnapin = $False
	$LoadedSnapins = @()
	$RegisteredSnapins = @()

	#Creates arrays of strings, rather than objects, we're passing strings so this will be more robust.
	$loadedSnapins += get-pssnapin | % {$}
	$registeredSnapins += get-pssnapin -Registered | % {$}

	ForEach($Snapin in $Snapins)
		#check if the snapin is loaded
		If(!($LoadedSnapins -like $snapin))
			#Check if the snapin is missing
			If(!($RegisteredSnapins -like $Snapin))
				#set the flag if it's not already
					$FoundMissingSnapin = $True
				#add the entry to the list
				$MissingSnapins += $Snapin
				#Snapin is registered, but not loaded, loading it now:
				Write-Host "Loading Windows PowerShell snap-in: $snapin"
				Add-PSSnapin -Name $snapin -EA 0

		Write-Warning "Missing Windows PowerShell snap-ins Detected:"
		$missingSnapins | % {Write-Warning "($_)"}
		return $False
		Return $True

Function WriteWordLine
#Function created by Ryan Revord
#@rsrevord on Twitter
#Function created to make output to Word easy in this script
	Param([int]$style=0, [int]$tabs = 0, [string]$name = '', [string]$value = '', [string]$newline = "'n", [Switch]$nonewline)
	[string]$output = ""
	#Build output style
	Switch ($style)
		0 {$Selection.Style = $myHash.Word_NoSpacing}
		1 {$Selection.Style = $myHash.Word_Heading1}
		2 {$Selection.Style = $myHash.Word_Heading2}
		3 {$Selection.Style = $myHash.Word_Heading3}
		4 {$Selection.Style = $myHash.Word_Heading4}
		Default {$Selection.Style = $myHash.Word_NoSpacing}
	#build # of tabs
	While($tabs -gt 0)
		$output += "`t"; $tabs--; 

	#output the rest of the parameters.
	$output += $name + $value

	#test for new WriteWordLine 0.
		# Do nothing.

Function _SetDocumentProperty 
	#jeff hicks
	#get the property object
	$prop = $properties | ForEach { 
		If($propname -eq $Name) 
			Return $_
	} #ForEach

	#set the value

Function Get-PrinterModifiedSettings
	Param([string]$Value, [string]$xelement, [bool]$xtable)

	[string]$ReturnStr = ""

	Switch ($Value)
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp2 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp2 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
				$txt="Scale (%):"
				$txt="Scale (%)`t:"
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp2 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp1 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				Switch ($tmp1)
					1 {$tmp2 = "Monochrome"}
					2 {$tmp2 = "Color"}
					Default {$tmp2 = "Color could not be determined: $($xelement)"}
				$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
				$txt="Print Quality:"
				$txt="Print Quality`t:"
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp1 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				Switch ($tmp1)
					-1 {$tmp2 = "150 dpi"}
					-2 {$tmp2 = "300 dpi"}
					-3 {$tmp2 = "600 dpi"}
					-4 {$tmp2 = "1200 dpi"}
						$tmp2 = "Custom...`tX resolution: $tmp1"
				$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
				$txt="Y resolution:"
				$txt="Y resolution`t:"
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp2 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp1 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				Switch ($tmp1)
					"portrait"  {$tmp2 = "Portrait"}
					"landscape" {$tmp2 = "Landscape"}
					Default {$tmp2 = "Orientation could not be determined: $($xelement)"}
				$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp1 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				Switch ($tmp1)
					1 {$tmp2 = "Simplex"}
					2 {$tmp2 = "Vertical"}
					3 {$tmp2 = "Horizontal"}
					Default {$tmp2 = "Duplex could not be determined: $($xelement)"}
				$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
				$txt="Paper Size:"
				$txt="Paper Size`t:"
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp1 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				Switch ($tmp1)
					1   {$tmp2 = "Letter"}
					2   {$tmp2 = "Letter Small"}
					3   {$tmp2 = "Tabloid"}
					4   {$tmp2 = "Ledger"}
					5   {$tmp2 = "Legal"}
					6   {$tmp2 = "Statement"}
					7   {$tmp2 = "Executive"}
					8   {$tmp2 = "A3"}
					9   {$tmp2 = "A4"}
					10  {$tmp2 = "A4 Small"}
					11  {$tmp2 = "A5"}
					12  {$tmp2 = "B4 (JIS)"}
					13  {$tmp2 = "B5 (JIS)"}
					14  {$tmp2 = "Folio"}
					15  {$tmp2 = "Quarto"}
					16  {$tmp2 = "10X14"}
					17  {$tmp2 = "11X17"}
					18  {$tmp2 = "Note"}
					19  {$tmp2 = "Envelope #9"}
					20  {$tmp2 = "Envelope #10"}
					21  {$tmp2 = "Envelope #11"}
					22  {$tmp2 = "Envelope #12"}
					23  {$tmp2 = "Envelope #14"}
					24  {$tmp2 = "C Size Sheet"}
					25  {$tmp2 = "D Size Sheet"}
					26  {$tmp2 = "E Size Sheet"}
					27  {$tmp2 = "Envelope DL"}
					28  {$tmp2 = "Envelope C5"}
					29  {$tmp2 = "Envelope C3"}
					30  {$tmp2 = "Envelope C4"}
					31  {$tmp2 = "Envelope C6"}
					32  {$tmp2 = "Envelope C65"}
					33  {$tmp2 = "Envelope B4"}
					34  {$tmp2 = "Envelope B5"}
					35  {$tmp2 = "Envelope B6"}
					36  {$tmp2 = "Envelope Italy"}
					37  {$tmp2 = "Envelope Monarch"}
					38  {$tmp2 = "Envelope Personal"}
					39  {$tmp2 = "US Std Fanfold"}
					40  {$tmp2 = "German Std Fanfold"}
					41  {$tmp2 = "German Legal Fanfold"}
					42  {$tmp2 = "B4 (ISO)"}
					43  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Postcard"}
					44  {$tmp2 = "9X11"}
					45  {$tmp2 = "10X11"}
					46  {$tmp2 = "15X11"}
					47  {$tmp2 = "Envelope Invite"}
					48  {$tmp2 = "Reserved - DO NOT USE"}
					49  {$tmp2 = "Reserved - DO NOT USE"}
					50  {$tmp2 = "Letter Extra"}
					51  {$tmp2 = "Legal Extra"}
					52  {$tmp2 = "Tabloid Extra"}
					53  {$tmp2 = "A4 Extra"}
					54  {$tmp2 = "Letter Transverse"}
					55  {$tmp2 = "A4 Transverse"}
					56  {$tmp2 = "Letter Extra Transverse"}
					57  {$tmp2 = "A Plus"}
					58  {$tmp2 = "B Plus"}
					59  {$tmp2 = "Letter Plus"}
					60  {$tmp2 = "A4 Plus"}
					61  {$tmp2 = "A5 Transverse"}
					62  {$tmp2 = "B5 (JIS) Transverse"}
					63  {$tmp2 = "A3 Extra"}
					64  {$tmp2 = "A5 Extra"}
					65  {$tmp2 = "B5 (ISO) Extra"}
					66  {$tmp2 = "A2"}
					67  {$tmp2 = "A3 Transverse"}
					68  {$tmp2 = "A3 Extra Transverse"}
					69  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Double Postcard"}
					70  {$tmp2 = "A6"}
					71  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Envelope Kaku #2"}
					72  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Envelope Kaku #3"}
					73  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Envelope Chou #3"}
					74  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Envelope Chou #4"}
					75  {$tmp2 = "Letter Rotated"}
					76  {$tmp2 = "A3 Rotated"}
					77  {$tmp2 = "A4 Rotated"}
					78  {$tmp2 = "A5 Rotated"}
					79  {$tmp2 = "B4 (JIS) Rotated"}
					80  {$tmp2 = "B5 (JIS) Rotated"}
					81  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Postcard Rotated"}
					82  {$tmp2 = "Double Japanese Postcard Rotated"}
					83  {$tmp2 = "A6 Rotated"}
					84  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Envelope Kaku #2 Rotated"}
					85  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Envelope Kaku #3 Rotated"}
					86  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Envelope Chou #3 Rotated"}
					87  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Envelope Chou #4 Rotated"}
					88  {$tmp2 = "B6 (JIS)"}
					89  {$tmp2 = "B6 (JIS) Rotated"}
					90  {$tmp2 = "12X11"}
					91  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Envelope You #4"}
					92  {$tmp2 = "Japanese Envelope You #4 Rotated"}
					93  {$tmp2 = "PRC 16K"}
					94  {$tmp2 = "PRC 32K"}
					95  {$tmp2 = "PRC 32K(Big)"}
					96  {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #1"}
					97  {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #2"}
					98  {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #3"}
					99  {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #4"}
					100 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #5"}
					101 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #6"}
					102 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #7"}
					103 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #8"}
					104 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #9"}
					105 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #10"}
					106 {$tmp2 = "PRC 16K Rotated"}
					107 {$tmp2 = "PRC 32K Rotated"}
					108 {$tmp2 = "PRC 32K(Big) Rotated"}
					109 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #1 Rotated"}
					110 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #2 Rotated"}
					111 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #3 Rotated"}
					112 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #4 Rotated"}
					113 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #5 Rotated"}
					114 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #6 Rotated"}
					115 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #7 Rotated"}
					116 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #8 Rotated"}
					117 {$tmp2 = "PRC Envelope #9 Rotated"}
					Default {$tmp2 = "Paper Size could not be determined: $($xelement)"}
				$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
				$txt="Form Name:"
				$txt="Form Name`t:"
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp2 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				If($tmp2.length -gt 0)
					$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp1 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				Switch ($tmp1)
					1 {$tmp2 = "Bitmap"}
					2 {$tmp2 = "Download"}
					3 {$tmp2 = "Substitute"}
					4 {$tmp2 = "Outline"}
					Default {$tmp2 = "TrueType could not be determined: $($xelement)"}
			$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
				$txt="Printer Model:"
				$txt="Printer Model`t:"
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp2 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
			$index = $xelement.SubString(0).IndexOf('=')
			if($index -ge 0)
				$tmp2 = $xelement.SubString($index + 1)
				If($tmp2.length -gt 0)
					$ReturnStr = "$txt $tmp2"
		Default {$ReturnStr = "Session printer setting could not be determined: $($xelement)"}
	Return $ReturnStr

Function AbortScript
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): System Cleanup"
	[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Word) | out-null
	Remove-Variable -Name word -Scope Global -EA 0
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Script has been aborted"

Function validStateProp( [object] $object, [string] $topLevel, [string] $secondLevel )
	#function created 8-jan-2014 by Michael B. Smith
	if( $object )
		If( ( gm -Name $topLevel -InputObject $object ) )
			If( ( gm -Name $secondLevel -InputObject $object.$topLevel ) )
				Return $true
	Return $false

Function ProcessCitrixPolicies

	If($xDriveName -eq "")
			WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
			WriteWordLine 0 0 "IMA Policies"
			$Policies = Get-CtxGroupPolicy -EA 0 | Sort-Object Type,PolicyName
			$Policies = Get-CtxGroupPolicy -EA 0 | Sort-Object Type,Priority
			WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
			WriteWordLine 0 0 "Active Directory Policies"
			$Policies = Get-CtxGroupPolicy -DriveName $xDriveName -EA 0 | Sort-Object Type,PolicyName
			$Policies = Get-CtxGroupPolicy -DriveName $xDriveName -EA 0 | Sort-Object Type,Priority

		ForEach($Policy in $Policies)
			Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tStarted $($Policy.PolicyName)`t$($Policy.Type)"
				WriteWordLine 2 0 $Policy.PolicyName
				If($xDriveName -eq "")
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "IMA Farm based policy"
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Active Directory based policy"

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Type`t`t: " $Policy.Type

				If($Policy.Type -eq "Computer")

					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Description`t: " $Policy.Description
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Enabled`t`t: " $Policy.Enabled
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Priority`t`t: " $Policy.Priority

				If($xDriveName -eq "")
					$filters = Get-CtxGroupPolicyFilter -PolicyName $Policy.PolicyName -EA 0
					$filters = Get-CtxGroupPolicyFilter -PolicyName $Policy.PolicyName -DriveName $xDriveName -EA 0

						WriteWordLine 0 1 "Filter(s)`t`t:"
						ForEach($Filter in $Filters)
							WriteWordLine 0 2 "Filter name`t: " $filter.FilterName
							WriteWordLine 0 2 "Filter type`t: " -nonewline
								"User"           {WriteWordLine 0 0 "User or Group"}
								"WorkerGroup"    {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Worker Group"}
								"OU"             {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Organization Unit"}
								"ClientName"     {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Client Name"}
								"ClientIP"       {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Client IP Address"}
								"BranchRepeater" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Branch Repeater"}
								"AccessControl"  {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Access Control"}
								Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Policy Filter Type could not be determined: $($filter.FilterType)"}
							WriteWordLine 0 2 "Filter enabled`t: " $filter.Enabled
							WriteWordLine 0 2 "Filter mode`t: " $filter.Mode
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Filter value`t: " $filter.FilterValue
							WriteWordLine 0 2 ""
						WriteWordLine 0 1 "Filter(s)`t`t: None"
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Unable to retrieve Filter settings"
				If($xDriveName -eq "")
					$Settings = Get-CtxGroupPolicyConfiguration -PolicyName $Policy.PolicyName -EA 0
					$Settings = Get-CtxGroupPolicyConfiguration -PolicyName $Policy.PolicyName -DriveName $xDriveName -EA 0

					ForEach($Setting in $Settings)
						If($Setting.Type -eq "Computer")
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tComputer settings"
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA"
							WriteWordLine 0 1 "Computer settings:"
							If($Setting.IcaListenerTimeout.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\ICA listener connection timeout (milliseconds): " $Setting.IcaListenerTimeout.Value
							If($Setting.IcaListenerPortNumber.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\ICA listener port number: " $Setting.IcaListenerPortNumber.Value
							If($Setting.AutoClientReconnect.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Auto Client Reconnect\Auto client reconnect: " $Setting.AutoClientReconnect.State
							If($Setting.AutoClientReconnectLogging.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Auto Client Reconnect\Auto client reconnect logging: "
								Switch ($Setting.AutoClientReconnectLogging.Value)
									"DoNotLogAutoReconnectEvents" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Do Not Log auto-reconnect events"}
									"LogAutoReconnectEvents"      {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Log auto-reconnect events"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Auto client reconnect logging could not be determined: $($Setting.AutoClientReconnectLogging.Value)"}
							If($Setting.IcaRoundTripCalculation.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\End User Monitoring\ICA round trip calculation: " $Setting.IcaRoundTripCalculation.State
							If($Setting.IcaRoundTripCalculationInterval.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\End User Monitoring\ICA round trip calculation interval (seconds): " $Setting.IcaRoundTripCalculationInterval.Value
							If($Setting.IcaRoundTripCalculationWhenIdle.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\End User Monitoring\ICA round trip calculations for idle connections: " 
								WriteWordLine 0 3 $Setting.IcaRoundTripCalculationWhenIdle.State
							If($Setting.DisplayMemoryLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Graphics\Display memory limit (KB): " $Setting.DisplayMemoryLimit.Value
							If($Setting.DisplayDegradePreference.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Graphics\Display mode degrade preference: "

								Switch ($Setting.DisplayDegradePreference.Value)
									"ColorDepth" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Degrade color depth first"}
									"Resolution" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Degrade resolution first"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Display mode degrade preference could not be determined: $($Setting.DisplayDegradePreference.Value)"}
							If($Setting.DynamicPreview.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Graphics\Dynamic Windows Preview: " $Setting.DynamicPreview.State
							If($Setting.ImageCaching.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Graphics\Image caching: " $Setting.ImageCaching.State
							If($Setting.MaximumColorDepth.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Graphics\Maximum allowed color depth: "
								Switch ($Setting.MaximumColorDepth.Value)
									"BitsPerPixel8"  {WriteWordLine 0 3 "8 Bits Per Pixel"}
									"BitsPerPixel15" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "15 Bits Per Pixel"}
									"BitsPerPixel16" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "16 Bits Per Pixel"}
									"BitsPerPixel24" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "24 Bits Per Pixel"}
									"BitsPerPixel32" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "32 Bits Per Pixel"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Maximum allowed color depth could not be determined: $($Setting.MaximumColorDepth.Value)"}
							If($Setting.DisplayDegradeUserNotification.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Graphics\Notify user when display mode is degraded: " $Setting.DisplayDegradeUserNotification.State
							If($Setting.QueueingAndTossing.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Graphics\Queueing and tossing: " $Setting.QueueingAndTossing.State
							If($Setting.PersistentCache.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Graphics\Caching\Persistent Cache Threshold (Kbps): " $Setting.PersistentCache.Value
							If($Setting.IcaKeepAliveTimeout.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Keep Alive\ICA keep alive timeout (seconds): " $Setting.IcaKeepAliveTimeout.Value
							If($Setting.IcaKeepAlives.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Keep Alive\ICA keep alives: "
								Switch ($Setting.IcaKeepAlives.Value)
									"DoNotSendKeepAlives" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Do not send ICA keep alive messages"}
									"SendKeepAlives"      {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Send ICA keep alive messages"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "ICA keep alives could not be determined: $($Setting.IcaKeepAlives.Value)"}
							If($Setting.MultimediaConferencing.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Multimedia\Multimedia conferencing: " $Setting.MultimediaConferencing.State
							If($Setting.MultimediaAcceleration.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Multimedia\Windows Media Redirection: " $Setting.MultimediaAcceleration.State
							If($Setting.MultimediaAccelerationDefaultBufferSize.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Multimedia\Windows Media Redirection Buffer Size (seconds): " $Setting.MultimediaAccelerationDefaultBufferSize.Value
							If($Setting.MultimediaAccelerationUseDefaultBufferSize.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Multimedia\Windows Media Redirection Buffer Size Use: " $Setting.MultimediaAccelerationUseDefaultBufferSize.State
							If($Setting.MultiPortPolicy.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\MultiStream Connections\Multi-Port Policy: " 
								WriteWordLine 0 3 "CGP default port" -nonewline 
								WriteWordLine 0 1 "priority: High"
								[string]$Tmp = $Setting.MultiPortPolicy.Value
								If($Tmp.Length -gt 0)
									[string]$cgpport1 = $Tmp.substring(0, $Tmp.indexof(";"))
									[string]$cgpport2 = $Tmp.substring($cgpport1.length + 1 , $Tmp.indexof(";"))
									[string]$cgpport3 = $Tmp.substring((($cgpport1.length + 1)+($cgpport2.length + 1)) , $Tmp.indexof(";"))
									[string]$cgpport1priority = multiportpolicypriority $cgpport1.substring($cgpport1.length -1, 1)
									[string]$cgpport2priority = multiportpolicypriority $cgpport2.substring($cgpport2.length -1, 1)
									[string]$cgpport3priority = multiportpolicypriority $cgpport3.substring($cgpport3.length -1, 1)
									$cgpport1 = $cgpport1.substring(0, $cgpport1.indexof(","))
									$cgpport2 = $cgpport2.substring(0, $cgpport2.indexof(","))
									$cgpport3 = $cgpport3.substring(0, $cgpport3.indexof(","))
									WriteWordLine 0 3 "CGP port1: " $cgpport1 -nonewline 
									WriteWordLine 0 1 "priority: " -nonewline
									Switch ($cgpport1priority[0])
										"V"	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Very High"}
										"M"	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Medium"}
										"L"	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Low"}
										Default	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
									WriteWordLine 0 3 "CGP port2: " $cgpport2 -nonewline
									WriteWordLine 0 1 "priority: " -nonewline
									Switch ($cgpport2priority[0])
										"V"	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Very High"}
										"M"	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Medium"}
										"L"	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Low"}
										Default	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
									WriteWordLine 0 3 "CGP port3: " $cgpport3 -nonewline
									WriteWordLine 0 1 "priority: " -nonewline
									Switch ($cgpport3priority[0])
										"V"	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Very High"}
										"M"	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Medium"}
										"L"	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Low"}
										Default	{WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
									$cgpport1 = $Null
									$cgpport2 = $Null
									$cgpport3 = $Null
									$cgpport1priority = $Null
									$cgpport2priority = $Null
									$cgpport3priority = $Null
								$Tmp = $Null
							If($Setting.MultiStreamPolicy.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\MultiStream Connections\Multi-Stream: " $Setting.MultiStreamPolicy.State
							If($Setting.PromptForPassword.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Security\Prompt for password: " $Setting.PromptForPassword.State
							If($Setting.IdleTimerInterval.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Server Limits\Server idle timer interval (milliseconds): " $Setting.IdleTimerInterval.Value
							If($Setting.SessionReliabilityConnections.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Reliability\Session reliability connections: " $Setting.SessionReliabilityConnections.State
							If($Setting.SessionReliabilityPort.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Reliability\Session reliability port number: " $Setting.SessionReliabilityPort.Value
							If($Setting.SessionReliabilityTimeout.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Reliability\Session reliability timeout (seconds): " $Setting.SessionReliabilityTimeout.Value
							If($Setting.Shadowing.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Shadowing\Shadowing: " $Setting.Shadowing.State
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tLicensing"
							If($Setting.LicenseServerHostName.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Licensing\License server host name: " $Setting.LicenseServerHostName.Value
							If($Setting.LicenseServerPort.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Licensing\License server port: " $Setting.LicenseServerPort.Value
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tPower and Capacity Management"
							If($Setting.FarmName.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Power and Capacity Management\Farm name: " $Setting.FarmName.Value
							If($Setting.WorkloadName.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Power and Capacity Management\Workload name: " $Setting.WorkloadName.Value
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tServer Settings"
							If($Setting.ConnectionAccessControl.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Connection access control: "
								Switch ($Setting.ConnectionAccessControl.Value)
									"AllowAny"                     {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Any connections"}
									"AllowTicketedConnectionsOnly" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Citrix Access Gateway, Citrix Receiver, and Web Interface connections only"}
									"AllowAccessGatewayOnly"       {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Citrix Access Gateway connections only"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Connection access control could not be determined: $($Setting.ConnectionAccessControl.Value)"}
							If($Setting.DnsAddressResolution.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\DNS address resolution: " $Setting.DnsAddressResolution.State
							If($Setting.FullIconCaching.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Full icon caching: " $Setting.FullIconCaching.State
							#the next setting is only available for AD based policies
							If($Setting.InitialZone.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Initial Zone Name: " $Setting.InitialZone.Value
							If($Setting.LoadEvaluator.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Load Evaluator Name - Load evaluator: " $Setting.LoadEvaluator.Value
							If($Setting.ProductEdition.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\XenApp product edition: " $Setting.ProductEdition.Value
							If($Setting.ProductModel.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\XenApp product model: " -nonewline
								Switch ($Setting.ProductModel.Value)
									"XenAppCCU"                  {WriteWordLine 0 0 "XenApp"}
									"XenDesktopConcurrentServer" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "XenDesktop Concurrent"}
									"XenDesktopUserDevice"       {WriteWordLine 0 0 "XenDesktop User Device"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "XenApp product model could not be determined: $($Setting.ProductModel.Value)"}
							If($Setting.UserSessionLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Connection Limits\Limit user sessions: " $Setting.UserSessionLimit.Value
							If($Setting.UserSessionLimitAffectsAdministrators.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Connection Limits\Limits on administrator sessions: " $Setting.UserSessionLimitAffectsAdministrators.State
							If($Setting.UserSessionLimitLogging.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Connection Limits\Logging of logon limit events: " $Setting.UserSessionLimitLogging.State
							#the next 3 settings are available only for AD based policies
							If($Setting.InitialDatabaseName.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Database Settings\Initial Database Name: " $Setting.InitialDatabaseName.Value
							If($Setting.InitialDatabaseServerName.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Database Settings\Initial Database Server Name: " $Setting.InitialDatabaseServerName.Value
							If($Setting.InitialFailoverPartner.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Database Settings\Initial Failover Partner: " $Setting.InitialFailoverPartner.Value
							#the previous 3 settings are available only for AD based policies
							If($Setting.HealthMonitoring.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Health Monitoring and Recovery\Health monitoring: " $Setting.HealthMonitoring.Value
							If($Setting.HealthMonitoringTests.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Health Monitoring and Recovery\Health monitoring tests: " 
								[xml]$XML = $Setting.HealthMonitoringTests.Value
								ForEach($Test in $xml.hmrtests.tests.test)
									Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tCreate Table for HMR Test $($"
									$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
									[int]$Columns = 2
									[int]$Rows = $test.attributes.count - 1
									$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
									$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
									$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 0
									$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 0
									[int]$xRow = 1
									$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Name"
									$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $
									$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "File Location"
									$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $test.file
										$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Arguments"
										$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $test.arguments
										$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Description"
										$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $test.description
									$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Interval"
									$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $test.interval
									$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Time-out"
									$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $test.timeout
									$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Threshold"
									$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $test.threshold
									$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Recovery Action"
									Switch ($test.RecoveryAction)
										"AlertOnly"                     {$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Alert Only"}
										"RemoveServerFromLoadBalancing" {$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Remove Server from load balancing"}
										"RestartIma"                    {$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Restart IMA"}
										"ShutdownIma"                   {$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Shutdown IMA"}
										"RebootServer"                  {$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Reboot Server"}
										Default {$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Recovery Action could not be determined: $($test.RecoveryAction)"}


									#return focus back to document
									Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`tReturn focus back to document"
									$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

									#move to the end of the current document
									Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`tMove to the end of the current document"
									$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
								$XML = $Null
								$xRow = $Null
								$Columns = $Null
								$Row = $Null
							If($Setting.MaximumServersOfflinePercent.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Health Monitoring and Recovery\"
								WriteWordLine 0 3 "Max % of servers with logon control: " $Setting.MaximumServersOfflinePercent.Value
							If($Setting.CpuManagementServerLevel.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Memory/CPU\CPU management server level: "
								Switch ($Setting.CpuManagementServerLevel.Value)
									"NoManagement" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "No CPU utilization management"}
									"Fair"         {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Fair sharing of CPU between sessions"}
									"Preferential" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Preferential Load Balancing"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "CPU management server level could not be determined: $($Setting.CpuManagementServerLevel.Value)"}
							If($Setting.MemoryOptimization.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Memory/CPU\Memory optimization: " $Setting.MemoryOptimization.State
							If($Setting.MemoryOptimizationExcludedPrograms.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Memory/CPU\Memory optimization application exclusion list: "
								$array = $Setting.MemoryOptimizationExcludedPrograms.Values
								ForEach($element in $array)
									WriteWordLine 0 3 $element
							If($Setting.MemoryOptimizationIntervalType.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Memory/CPU\Memory optimization interval: " -nonewline
								Switch ($Setting.MemoryOptimizationIntervalType.Value)
									"AtStartup" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Only at startup time"}
									"Daily"     {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Daily"}
									"Weekly"    {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Weekly"}
									"Monthly"   {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Monthly"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 " could not be determined: $($Setting.MemoryOptimizationIntervalType.Value)"}
							If($Setting.MemoryOptimizationDayOfMonth.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Memory/CPU\Memory optimization schedule: "
								WriteWordLine 0 3 "day of month: " $Setting.MemoryOptimizationDayOfMonth.Value
							If($Setting.MemoryOptimizationDayOfWeek.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Memory/CPU\Memory optimization schedule: "
								WriteWordLine 0 3 "day of week: " $Setting.MemoryOptimizationDayOfWeek.Value
							If($Setting.MemoryOptimizationTime.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Memory/CPU\Memory optimization schedule time: " -nonewline
								$tmp = ConvertNumberToTime $Setting.MemoryOptimizationTime.Value
								WriteWordLine 0 0 $tmp
								$tmp = $Null
							If($Setting.OfflineClientTrust.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Offline Applications\Offline app client trust: " $Setting.OfflineClientTrust.State
							If($Setting.OfflineEventLogging.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Offline Applications\Offline app event logging: " $Setting.OfflineEventLogging.State
							If($Setting.OfflineLicensePeriod.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Offline Applications\Offline app license period - Days: " $Setting.OfflineLicensePeriod.Value
							If($Setting.OfflineUsers.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Offline Applications\Offline app users: " 
								$array = $Setting.OfflineUsers.Values
								ForEach($element in $array)
									WriteWordLine 0 3 $element
								$array = $Null
							If($Setting.RebootCustomMessage.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Reboot Behavior\Reboot custom warning: " $Setting.RebootCustomMessage.State
							If($Setting.RebootCustomMessageText.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Reboot Behavior\Reboot custom warning text: " 
								WriteWordLine 0 3 $Setting.RebootCustomMessageText.Value
							If($Setting.RebootDisableLogOnTime.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Reboot Behavior\Reboot logon disable time: "
								Switch ($Setting.RebootDisableLogOnTime.Value)
									"DoNotDisableLogOnsBeforeReboot" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Do not disable logons before reboot"}
									"Disable5MinutesBeforeReboot"    {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Disable 5 minutes before reboot"}
									"Disable10MinutesBeforeReboot"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Disable 10 minutes before reboot"}
									"Disable15MinutesBeforeReboot"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Disable 15 minutes before reboot"}
									"Disable30MinutesBeforeReboot"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Disable 30 minutes before reboot"}
									"Disable60MinutesBeforeReboot"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Disable 60 minutes before reboot"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Reboot logon disable time could not be determined: $($Setting.RebootDisableLogOnTime.Value)"}
							If($Setting.RebootScheduleFrequency.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Reboot Behavior\Reboot schedule frequency - Days: " $Setting.RebootScheduleFrequency.Value
							If($Setting.RebootScheduleRandomizationInterval.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Reboot Behavior\Reboot schedule randomization interval"
								WriteWordLine 0 3 "Minutes: " $Setting.RebootScheduleRandomizationInterval.Value
							If($Setting.RebootScheduleStartDate.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Reboot Behavior\Reboot schedule start date: " -nonewline
								$Tmp = ConvertIntegerToDate $Setting.RebootScheduleStartDate.Value
								WriteWordLine 0 0 $Tmp
								$Tmp = $Null
							If($Setting.RebootScheduleTime.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Reboot Behavior\Reboot schedule time: " -nonewline
								$tmp = ConvertNumberToTime $Setting.RebootScheduleTime.Value 						
								WriteWordLine 0 0 $Tmp
								$Tmp = $Null
							If($Setting.RebootWarningInterval.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Reboot Behavior\Reboot warning interval: "
								Switch ($Setting.RebootWarningInterval.Value)
									"Every1Minute"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Every 1 Minute"}
									"Every3Minutes"  {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Every 3 Minutes"}
									"Every5Minutes"  {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Every 5 Minutes"}
									"Every10Minutes" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Every 10 Minutes"}
									"Every15Minutes" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Every 15 Minutes"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Reboot warning interval could not be determined: $($Setting.RebootWarningInterval.Value)"}
							If($Setting.RebootWarningStartTime.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Reboot Behavior\Reboot warning start time: "
								Switch ($Setting.RebootWarningStartTime.Value)
									"Start5MinutesBeforeReboot"  {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Start 5 Minutes Before Reboot"}
									"Start10MinutesBeforeReboot" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Start 10 Minutes Before Reboot"}
									"Start15MinutesBeforeReboot" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Start 15 Minutes Before Reboot"}
									"Start30MinutesBeforeReboot" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Start 30 Minutes Before Reboot"}
									"Start60MinutesBeforeReboot" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Start 60 Minutes Before Reboot"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Reboot warning start time could not be determined: $($Setting.RebootWarningStartTime.Value)"}
							If($Setting.RebootWarningMessage.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Reboot Behavior\Reboot warning to users: " $Setting.RebootWarningMessage.State
							If($Setting.ScheduledReboots.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Settings\Reboot Behavior\Scheduled reboots: " $Setting.ScheduledReboots.State
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tVirtual IP"
							If($Setting.FilterAdapterAddresses.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Virtual IP\Virtual IP adapter address filtering: " $Setting.FilterAdapterAddresses.State
							If($Setting.EnhancedCompatibilityPrograms.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Virtual IP\Virtual IP compatibility programs list: " 
								$array = $Setting.EnhancedCompatibilityPrograms.Values
								ForEach($element in $array)
									WriteWordLine 0 3 $element
								$array = $Null
							If($Setting.EnhancedCompatibility.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Virtual IP\Virtual IP enhanced compatibility: " $Setting.EnhancedCompatibility.State
							If($Setting.FilterAdapterAddressesPrograms.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Virtual IP\Virtual IP filter adapter addresses programs list: " 
								$array = $Setting.FilterAdapterAddressesPrograms.Values
								ForEach($element in $array)
									WriteWordLine 0 3 $element
								$array = $Null
							If($Setting.VirtualLoopbackSupport.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Virtual IP\Virtual IP loopback support: " $Setting.VirtualLoopbackSupport.State
							If($Setting.VirtualLoopbackPrograms.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Virtual IP\Virtual IP virtual loopback programs list: " 
								$array = $Setting.VirtualLoopbackPrograms.Values
								ForEach($element in $array)
									WriteWordLine 0 3 $element
								$array = $Null
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tXML Service"
							If($Setting.TrustXmlRequests.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "XML Service\Trust XML requests: " $Setting.TrustXmlRequests.State
							If($Setting.XmlServicePort.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "XML Service\XML service port: " $Setting.XmlServicePort.Value
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tUser settings"
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA"
							WriteWordLine 0 1 "User settings:"
							If($Setting.ClipboardRedirection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Client clipboard redirection: " $Setting.ClipboardRedirection.State
							If($Setting.DesktopLaunchForNonAdmins.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Desktop launches: " $Setting.DesktopLaunchForNonAdmins.State
							If($Setting.NonPublishedProgramLaunching.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Launching of non-published programs during client connection: " $Setting.NonPublishedProgramLaunching.State
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Adobe Flash Delivery"
							If($Setting.FlashAcceleration.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Flash Redirection\Flash acceleration: " $Setting.FlashAcceleration.State
							If($Setting.FlashUrlColorList.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Flash Redirection\Flash background color list: "
								$Values = $Setting.FlashUrlColorList.Values
								ForEach($Value in $Values)
									WriteWordLine 0 3 $Value
								$Values = $Null
							If($Setting.FlashBackwardsCompatibility.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Flash Redirection\Flash backwards compatibility: " 
								WriteWordLine 0 3 $Setting.FlashBackwardsCompatibility.State
							If($Setting.FlashDefaultBehavior.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Flash Redirection\Flash Default behavior: "
								Switch ($Setting.FlashDefaultBehavior.Value)
									"Block"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Block Flash player"}
									"Disable" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Disable Flash acceleration"}
									"Enable"  {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Enable Flash acceleration"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Flash Default behavior could not be determined: $($Setting.FlashDefaultBehavior.Value)"}
							If($Setting.FlashEventLogging.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Flash Redirection\Flash event logging: " $Setting.FlashEventLogging.State
							If($Setting.FlashIntelligentFallback.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Flash Redirection\Flash intelligent fallback: " $Setting.FlashIntelligentFallback.State
							If($Setting.FlashLatencyThreshold.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Flash Redirection\Flash latency threshold"
								WriteWordLine 0 3 "Value (milliseconds): " $Setting.FlashLatencyThreshold.Value
							If($Setting.FlashServerSideContentFetchingWhitelist.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Flash Redirection\Flash server-side content fetching "
								WriteWordLine 0 3 "URL list: "
								$Values = $Setting.FlashServerSideContentFetchingWhitelist.Values
								ForEach($Value in $Values)
									WriteWordLine 0 4 $Value
								$Values = $Null
							If($Setting.FlashUrlCompatibilityList.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Flash Redirection\Flash URL compatibility list: " 
								$Values = $Setting.FlashUrlCompatibilityList.Values
								Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tCreate table for Flash URL compatibility list"
								$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
								[int]$Columns = 3
								[int]$Rows = $Values.count + 1
								Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`tAdd table to doc"
								$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
								$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
								$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
								$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
								[int]$xRow = 1
								Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`tFormat first row with column headings"
								$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
								$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
								$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Action"
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "URL Pattern"
								$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
								$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Font.Bold = $True
								$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Text = "Flash Instance"
								ForEach($Value in $Values)
									$Items = $Value.Split(' ')
									Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`t`tProcessing row for $($Value)"
									$Action = $Items[0]
									If($Action -eq "CLIENT")
										$Action = "Render On Client"
									ElseIf($Action -eq "SERVER")
										$Action = "Render On Server"
									ElseIf($Action -eq "BLOCK")
										$Action = "BLOCK           "
									$Url = $Items[1]
									If($Items.Count -eq 3)
										$FlashInstance = $Items[2]
										$FlashInstance = ""
									$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $Action
									$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $Url
									$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Text = $FlashInstance


								#return focus back to document
								Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`t`tReturn focus back to document"
								$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

								#move to the end of the current document
								Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`t`tMove to the end of the current document"
								$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
								$Values = $Null
								$Action = $Null
								$Url = $Null
								$FlashInstance = $Null
								$Spc = $Null
							If($Setting.AllowSpeedFlash.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Legacy Server Side Optimizations\"
								WriteWordLine 0 3 "Flash quality adjustment: "
								Switch ($Setting.AllowSpeedFlash.Value)
									"NoOptimization"      {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Do not optimize Flash animation options"}
									"AllConnections"      {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Optimize Flash animation options for all connections"}
									"RestrictedBandwidth" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Optimize Flash animation options for low bandwidth connections only"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Flash quality adjustment could not be determined: $($Setting.AllowSpeedFlash.Value)"}
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Audio"
							If($Setting.AudioPlugNPlay.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Audio\Audio Plug N Play: " $Setting.AudioPlugNPlay.State
							If($Setting.AudioQuality.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Audio\Audio quality: "
								Switch ($Setting.AudioQuality.Value)
									"Low"    {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Low - for low-speed connections"}
									"Medium" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Medium - optimized for speech"}
									"High"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "High - high definition audio"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Audio quality could not be determined: $($Setting.AudioQuality.Value)"}
							If($Setting.ClientAudioRedirection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Audio\Client audio redirection: " $Setting.ClientAudioRedirection.State
							If($Setting.MicrophoneRedirection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Audio\Client microphone redirection: " $Setting.MicrophoneRedirection.State
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Bandwidth"
							If($Setting.AudioBandwidthLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\Audio redirection bandwidth limit (Kbps): " $Setting.AudioBandwidthLimit.Value
							If($Setting.AudioBandwidthPercent.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\Audio redirection bandwidth limit %: " $Setting.AudioBandwidthPercent.Value
							If($Setting.USBBandwidthLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\Client USB device redirection bandwidth limit: " $Setting.USBBandwidthLimit.Value
							If($Setting.USBBandwidthPercent.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\Client USB device redirection bandwidth limit %: " $Setting.USBBandwidthPercent.Value
							If($Setting.ClipboardBandwidthLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\Clipboard redirection bandwidth limit (Kbps): " $Setting.ClipboardBandwidthLimit.Value
							If($Setting.ClipboardBandwidthPercent.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\Clipboard redirection bandwidth limit %: " $Setting.ClipboardBandwidthPercent.Value
							If($Setting.ComPortBandwidthLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\COM port redirection bandwidth limit (Kbps): " $Setting.ComPortBandwidthLimit.Value
							If($Setting.ComPortBandwidthPercent.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\COM port redirection bandwidth limit %: " $Setting.ComPortBandwidthPercent.Value
							If($Setting.FileRedirectionBandwidthLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\File redirection bandwidth limit (Kbps): " $Setting.FileRedirectionBandwidthLimit.Value
							If($Setting.FileRedirectionBandwidthPercent.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\File redirection bandwidth limit %: " $Setting.FileRedirectionBandwidthPercent.Value
							If($Setting.HDXMultimediaBandwidthLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\HDX MediaStream Multimedia Acceleration "
								WriteWordLine 0 3 "bandwidth limit (Kbps): " $Setting.HDXMultimediaBandwidthLimit.Value
							If($Setting.HDXMultimediaBandwidthPercent.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\HDX MediaStream Multimedia Acceleration "
								WriteWordLine 0 3 "bandwidth limit %: " $Setting.HDXMultimediaBandwidthPercent.Value
							If($Setting.LptBandwidthLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\LPT port redirection bandwidth limit (Kbps): " $Setting.LptBandwidthLimit.Value
							If($Setting.LptBandwidthLimitPercent.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\LPT port redirection bandwidth limit %: " $Setting.LptBandwidthLimitPercent.Value
							If($Setting.OverallBandwidthLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\Overall session bandwidth limit (Kbps): " $Setting.OverallBandwidthLimit.Value
							If($Setting.PrinterBandwidthLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\Printer redirection bandwidth limit (Kbps): " $Setting.PrinterBandwidthLimit.Value
							If($Setting.PrinterBandwidthPercent.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\Printer redirection bandwidth limit %: " $Setting.PrinterBandwidthPercent.Value
							If($Setting.TwainBandwidthLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\TWAIN device redirection bandwidth limit (Kbps): " $Setting.TwainBandwidthLimit.Value
							If($Setting.TwainBandwidthPercent.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Bandwidth\TWAIN device redirection bandwidth limit %: " $Setting.TwainBandwidthPercent.Value
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Desktop UI"
							If($Setting.DesktopWallpaper.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Desktop UI\Desktop wallpaper: " $Setting.DesktopWallpaper.State
							If($Setting.MenuAnimation.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Desktop UI\Menu animation: " $Setting.MenuAnimation.State
							If($Setting.WindowContentsVisibleWhileDragging.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Desktop UI\View window contents while dragging: " $Setting.WindowContentsVisibleWhileDragging.State
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\File Redirection"
							If($Setting.AutoConnectDrives.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\File Redirection\Auto connect client drives: " $Setting.AutoConnectDrives.State
							If($Setting.ClientDriveRedirection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\File Redirection\Client drive redirection: " $Setting.ClientDriveRedirection.State
							If($Setting.ClientFixedDrives.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\File Redirection\Client fixed drives: " $Setting.ClientFixedDrives.State
							If($Setting.ClientFloppyDrives.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\File Redirection\Client floppy drives: " $Setting.ClientFloppyDrives.State
							If($Setting.ClientNetworkDrives.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\File Redirection\Client network drives: " $Setting.ClientNetworkDrives.State
							If($Setting.ClientOpticalDrives.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\File Redirection\Client optical drives: " $Setting.ClientOpticalDrives.State
							If($Setting.ClientRemoveableDrives.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\File Redirection\Client removable drives: " $Setting.ClientRemoveableDrives.State
							If($Setting.HostToClientRedirection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\File Redirection\Host to client redirection: " $Setting.HostToClientRedirection.State
							If($Setting.ReadOnlyMappedDrive.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\File Redirection\Read-only client drive access: " $Setting.ReadOnlyMappedDrive.State
							If($Setting.SpecialFolderRedirection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\File Redirection\Special folder redirection: " $Setting.SpecialFolderRedirection.State
							If($Setting.AsynchronousWrites.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\File Redirection\Use asynchronous writes: " $Setting.AsynchronousWrites.State
							# added for the XenApp 6.5 Mobility Pack
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Mobile Experience"
							#If($Setting.AutoKeyboardPopUp.State -ne "NotConfigured")
							if( ( validStateProp $Setting AutoKeyboardPopUp State ) -and ( $Setting.AutoKeyboardPopUp.State -ne "NotConfigured" ) )
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Mobile Experience\Automatic keyboard display: " $Setting.AutoKeyboardPopUp.State
							#If($Setting.MobileDesktop.State -ne "NotConfigured")
							if( ( validStateProp $Setting MobileDesktop State ) -and ( $Setting.MobileDesktop.State -ne "NotConfigured" ) )
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Mobile Experience\Launch touch-optimized desktop: " $Setting.MobileDesktop.State
							#If($Setting.ComboboxRemoting.State -ne "NotConfigured")
							if( ( validStateProp $Setting ComboboxRemoting State ) -and ( $Setting.ComboboxRemoting.State -ne "NotConfigured" ) )
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Mobile Experience\Remote the combo box: " $Setting.ComboboxRemoting.State
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Multi-Stream Connections"
							If($Setting.MultiStream.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Multi-Stream Connections\Multi-Stream: " $Setting.MultiStream.State
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Port Redirection"
							If($Setting.ClientComPortsAutoConnection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Port Redirection\Auto connect client COM ports: " $Setting.ClientComPortsAutoConnection.State
							If($Setting.ClientLptPortsAutoConnection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Port Redirection\Auto connect client LPT ports: " $Setting.ClientLptPortsAutoConnection.State
							If($Setting.ClientComPortRedirection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Port Redirection\Client COM port redirection: " $Setting.ClientComPortRedirection.State
							If($Setting.ClientLptPortRedirection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Port Redirection\Client LPT port redirection: " $Setting.ClientLptPortRedirection.State
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Printing"
							If($Setting.ClientPrinterRedirection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Client printer redirection: " $Setting.ClientPrinterRedirection.State
							If($Setting.DefaultClientPrinter.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Default printer - Choose client's Default printer: " 
								Switch ($Setting.DefaultClientPrinter.Value)
									"ClientDefault" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Set Default printer to the client's main printer"}
									"DoNotAdjust"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Do not adjust the user's Default printer"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Default printer could not be determined: $($Setting.DefaultClientPrinter.Value)"}
							If($Setting.AutoCreationEventLogPreference.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Printer auto-creation event log preference: " 
								Switch ($Setting.AutoCreationEventLogPreference.Value)
									"LogErrorsOnly"        {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Log errors only"}
									"LogErrorsAndWarnings" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Log errors and warnings"}
									"DoNotLog"             {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Do not log errors or warnings"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Printer auto-creation event log preference could not be determined: $($Setting.AutoCreationEventLogPreference.Value)"}
							If($Setting.SessionPrinters.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Session printers:" 
								$valArray = $Setting.SessionPrinters.Values
								ForEach($printer in $valArray)
									$prArray = $printer.Split(',')
									ForEach($element in $prArray)
										if($element.SubString(0, 2) -eq "\\")
											$index = $element.SubString(2).IndexOf('\')
											if($index -ge 0)
												$server = $element.SubString(0, $index + 2)
												$share  = $element.SubString($index + 3)
												WriteWordLine 0 3 "Server`t`t: $server"
												WriteWordLine 0 3 "Shared Name`t: $share"
											$index = $Null
											$tmp = $element.SubString(0, 4)
											$PrtString = Get-PrinterModifiedSettings $tmp $element $False
												WriteWordLine 0 3 $PrtString
											$tmp = $Null
											$PrtString = $Null
									WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
								$valArray = $Null
								$prArray = $Null
							If($Setting.WaitForPrintersToBeCreated.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Wait for printers to be created (desktop): " $Setting.WaitForPrintersToBeCreated.State
							If($Setting.ClientPrinterAutoCreation.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Client Printers\Auto-create client printers: "
								Switch ($Setting.ClientPrinterAutoCreation.Value)
									"DoNotAutoCreate"    {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Do not auto-create client printers"}
									"DefaultPrinterOnly" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Auto-create the client's Default printer only"}
									"LocalPrintersOnly"  {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Auto-create local (non-network) client printers only"}
									"AllPrinters"        {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Auto-create all client printers"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Auto-create client printers could not be determined: $($Setting.ClientPrinterAutoCreation.Value)"}
							If($Setting.GenericUniversalPrinterAutoCreation.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Client Printers\Auto-create generic universal printer: " $Setting.GenericUniversalPrinterAutoCreation.State
							If($Setting.ClientPrinterNames.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Client Printers\Client printer names: " 
								Switch ($Setting.ClientPrinterNames.Value)
									"StandardPrinterNames" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Standard printer names"}
									"LegacyPrinterNames"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Legacy printer names"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Client printer names could not be determined: $($Setting.ClientPrinterNames.Value)"}
							If($Setting.DirectConnectionsToPrintServers.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Client Printers\Direct connections to print servers: " $Setting.DirectConnectionsToPrintServers.State
							If($Setting.PrinterDriverMappings.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Client Printers\Printer driver mapping and compatibility: " 
								$array = $Setting.PrinterDriverMappings.Values
								Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tCreate table for printer drive mapping"
								$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
								[int]$Columns = 4
								[int]$Rows = $array.count + 1
								Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`tAdd table to doc"
								$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
								$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
								$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
								$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
								[int]$xRow = 1
								Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`tFormat first row with column headings"
								$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
								$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
								$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Driver Name"
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Action"
								$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
								$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Font.Bold = $True
								$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Text = "Settings"
								$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
								$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Font.Bold = $True
								$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Text = "Server Driver"
								ForEach($element in $array)
									#WriteWordLine 0 3 $element
									$Items = $element.Split(',')
									Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`t`tProcessing row for $($Items[0])"
									$DriverName = $Items[0]
									$Action = $Items[1]
									If($Action -match 'Replace=')
										$ServerDriver = $Action.substring($Action.indexof("=")+1)
										$Action = "Replace"
										$ServerDriver = ""
										If($Action -eq "Allow")
											$Action = "Allow"
										ElseIf($Action -eq "Deny")
											$Action = "Do not create"
										ElseIf($Action -eq "UPD_Only")
											$Action = "Create with universal driver"
									If($Items.count -gt 2)
										$PrtSettings = ""
										[int]$BeginAt = 2
										[int]$EndAt = $Items.count
										for ($i=$BeginAt;$i -lt $EndAt; $i++) 
											$tmp = $Items[$i].SubString(0, 4)
											$tmp1 = Get-PrinterModifiedSettings $tmp $Items[$i] $True
												$PrtSettings += ($tmp1 + "`n")
										$PrtSettings = "Unmodified"
									$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $DriverName
									$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $Action
									$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Text = $PrtSettings
									$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Text = $ServerDriver
								$array = $Null

								#return focus back to document
								Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`tReturn focus back to document"
								$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

								#move to the end of the current document
								Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`tMove to the end of the current document"
								$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
								WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
							If($Setting.PrinterPropertiesRetention.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Client Printers\Printer properties retention: " 
								Switch ($Setting.PrinterPropertiesRetention.Value)
									"SavedOnClientDevice"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Saved on the client device only"}
									"RetainedInUserProfile" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Retained in user profile only"}
									"FallbackToProfile"     {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Held in profile only if not saved on client"}
									"DoNotRetain"           {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Do not retain printer properties"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Printer properties retention could not be determined: $($Setting.PrinterPropertiesRetention.Value)"}
							If($Setting.RetainedAndRestoredClientPrinters.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Client Printers\Retained and restored client printers: " $Setting.RetainedAndRestoredClientPrinters.State
							If($Setting.InboxDriverAutoInstallation.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Drivers\Automatic installation of in-box printer drivers: " $Setting.InboxDriverAutoInstallation.State
							If($Setting.UniversalDriverPriority.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Drivers\Universal driver preference: " 
								$TmpArray = $Setting.UniversalDriverPriority.Value.Split(';')
								ForEach($Thing in $TmpArray)
									WriteWordLine 0 3 $Thing
								$TmpArray = $Null
							If($Setting.UniversalPrintDriverUsage.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Drivers\Universal print driver usage: " 
								Switch ($Setting.UniversalPrintDriverUsage.Value)
									"SpecificOnly"       {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Use only printer model specific drivers"}
									"UpdOnly"            {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Use universal printing only"}
									"FallbackToUpd"      {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Use universal printing only if requested driver is unavailable"}
									"FallbackToSpecific" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Use printer model specific drivers only if universal printing is unavailable"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Universal print driver usage could not be determined: $($Setting.UniversalPrintDriverUsage.Value)"}
							If($Setting.EMFProcessingMode.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Universal Printing\Universal printing EMF processing mode: " 
								Switch ($Setting.EMFProcessingMode.Value)
									"ReprocessEMFsForPrinter" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Reprocess EMFs for printer"}
									"SpoolDirectlyToPrinter"  {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Spool directly to printer"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Universal printing EMF processing mode could not be determined: $($Setting.EMFProcessingMode.Value)"}
							If($Setting.ImageCompressionLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Universal Printing\Universal printing image compression limit: " 
								Switch ($Setting.ImageCompressionLimit.Value)
									"NoCompression"       {WriteWordLine 0 3 "No compression"}
									"LosslessCompression" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Best quality (lossless compression)"}
									"MinimumCompression"  {WriteWordLine 0 3 "High quality"}
									"MediumCompression"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Standard quality"}
									"MaximumCompression"  {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Reduced quality (maximum compression)"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Universal printing image compression limit could not be determined: $($Setting.ImageCompressionLimit.Value)"}
							If($Setting.UPDCompressionDefaults.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Universal Printing\Universal printing optimization defaults: "
								$TmpArray = $Setting.UPDCompressionDefaults.Value.Split(';')
								ForEach($Thing in $TmpArray)
									$TestLabel = $Thing.substring(0, $Thing.indexof("="))
									$TestSetting = $Thing.substring($Thing.indexof("=")+1)
									$TxtLabel = ""
									$TxtSetting = "ABC"
											$TxtLabel = "Desired image quality:"
												"StandardQuality"	{$TxtSetting = "Standard quality"}
												"BestQuality"	{$TxtSetting = "Best quality (lossless compression)"}
												"HighQuality"	{$TxtSetting = "High quality"}
												"ReducedQuality"	{$TxtSetting = "Reduced quality (maximum compression)"}
											$TxtLabel = "Enable heavyweight compression:"
											If($TestSetting -eq "True")
												$TxtSetting = "Yes"
												$TxtSetting = "No"
											$TxtLabel = "Allow caching of embedded images:"
											If($TestSetting -eq "True")
												$TxtSetting = "Yes"
												$TxtSetting = "No"
											$TxtLabel = "Allow caching of embedded fonts:"
											If($TestSetting -eq "True")
												$TxtSetting = "Yes"
												$TxtSetting = "No"
											$TxtLabel = "Allow non-administrators to modify these settings:"
											If($TestSetting -eq "True")
												$TxtSetting = "Yes"
												$TxtSetting = "No"
									WriteWordLine 0 3 "$TxtLabel $TxtSetting"
								$TmpArray = $Null
							If($Setting.UniversalPrintingPreviewPreference.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Universal Printing\Universal printing preview preference: " 
								Switch ($Setting.UniversalPrintingPreviewPreference.Value)
									"NoPrintPreview"        {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Do not use print preview for auto-created or generic universal printers"}
									"AutoCreatedOnly"       {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Use print preview for auto-created printers only"}
									"GenericOnly"           {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Use print preview for generic universal printers only"}
									"AutoCreatedAndGeneric" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Use print preview for both auto-created and generic universal printers"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Universal printing preview preference could not be determined: $($Setting.UniversalPrintingPreviewPreference.Value)"}
							If($Setting.DPILimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Printing\Universal Printing\Universal printing print quality limit: " 
								Switch ($Setting.DPILimit.Value)
									"Draft"            {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Draft (150 DPI)"}
									"LowResolution"    {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Low Resolution (300 DPI)"}
									"MediumResolution" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Medium Resolution (600 DPI)"}
									"HighResolution"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "High Resolution (1200 DPI)"}
									"Unlimited "       {WriteWordLine 0 3 "No Limit"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Universal printing print quality limit could not be determined: $($Setting.DPILimit.Value)"}
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Security"
							If($Setting.MinimumEncryptionLevel.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Security\SecureICA minimum encryption level: " 
								Switch ($Setting.MinimumEncryptionLevel.Value)
									"Unknown" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Unknown encryption"}
									"Basic"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Basic"}
									"LogOn"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "RC5 (128 bit) logon only"}
									"Bits40"  {WriteWordLine 0 3 "RC5 (40 bit)"}
									"Bits56"  {WriteWordLine 0 3 "RC5 (56 bit)"}
									"Bits128" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "RC5 (128 bit)"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "SecureICA minimum encryption level could not be determined: $($Setting.MinimumEncryptionLevel.Value)"}
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Session limits"
							If($Setting.ConcurrentLogOnLimit.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session limits\Concurrent logon limit: " $Setting.ConcurrentLogOnLimit.Value
							If($Setting.SessionDisconnectTimer.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Limits\Disconnected session timer: " $Setting.SessionDisconnectTimer.State
							If($Setting.SessionDisconnectTimerInterval.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Limits\Disconnected session timer interval (minutes): " $Setting.SessionDisconnectTimerInterval.Value
							If($Setting.LingerDisconnectTimerInterval.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Limits\Linger Disconnect Timer Interval (minutes): " $Setting.LingerDisconnectTimerInterval.Value
							If($Setting.LingerTerminateTimerInterval.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Limits\Linger Terminate Timer Interval - Value (minutes): " $Setting.LingerTerminateTimerInterval.Value
							If($Setting.PrelaunchDisconnectTimerInterval.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Limits\Pre-launch Disconnect Timer Interval - Value (minutes): " $Setting.PrelaunchDisconnectTimerInterval.Value
							If($Setting.PrelaunchTerminateTimerInterval.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Limits\Pre-launch Terminate Timer Interval - Value (minutes): " $Setting.PrelaunchTerminateTimerInterval.Value
							If($Setting.SessionConnectionTimer.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Limits\Session connection timer: " $Setting.SessionConnectionTimer.State
							If($Setting.SessionConnectionTimerInterval.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Limits\Session connection timer interval - Value (minutes): " $Setting.SessionConnectionTimerInterval.Value
							If($Setting.SessionIdleTimer.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Limits\Session idle timer: " $Setting.SessionIdleTimer.State
							If($Setting.SessionIdleTimerInterval.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Session Limits\Session idle timer interval - Value (minutes): " $Setting.SessionIdleTimerInterval.Value
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Shadowing"
							If($Setting.ShadowInput.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Shadowing\Input from shadow connections: " $Setting.ShadowInput.State
							If($Setting.ShadowLogging.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Shadowing\Log shadow attempts: " $Setting.ShadowLogging.State
							If($Setting.ShadowUserNotification.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Shadowing\Notify user of pending shadow connections: " $Setting.ShadowUserNotification.State
							If($Setting.ShadowAllowList.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Shadowing\Users who can shadow other users: " 
								$array = $Setting.ShadowAllowList.Values
								#gui only shows computer\account or domain\account
								#what is stored is:
								#0x05/NT/XA65\ANON000/S-1-5-21-1307341077-4083623718-4268213518-1028 (workgroup/local)
								#0x05/NT/XA651\CTX_CPUUSER/S-1-5-21-1200344839-3835835227-1016768578-1002 (domain/local)
								#0x05/NT/WEBSTERSLAB\ADMINISTRATOR/S-1-5-21-3679396586-1061193519-2853834051-500 (domain user)
								#0x05/NT/WEBSTERSLAB\DOMAIN ADMINS/S-1-5-21-3679396586-1061193519-2853834051-512 (domain group)
								#we only need the computer\account or domain\account
								#first 9 characters are 0x05/NT/ for all account types
								#since PoSH starts counting at 0 we don't need the first 9 characters
								#Then we need the position of the first / after the computer\account
								#what is left between the two is what we need
								ForEach($element in $array)
									$x = $element.indexof("/",8)
									$tmp = $element.substring(8,$x-8)
									WriteWordLine 0 3 $tmp
								$array = $Null
								$x = $Null
								$tmp = $Null
							If($Setting.ShadowDenyList.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Shadowing\Users who cannot shadow other users: " 
								$array = $Setting.ShadowDenyList.Values
								ForEach($element in $array)
									$x = $element.indexof("/",8)
									$tmp = $element.substring(8,$x-8)
									WriteWordLine 0 3 $tmp
								$array = $Null
								$x = $Null
								$tmp = $Null
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Time Zone Control"
							If($Setting.LocalTimeEstimation.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Time Zone Control\Estimate local time for legacy clients: " $Setting.LocalTimeEstimation.State
							If($Setting.SessionTimeZone.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Time Zone Control\Use local time of client: " 
								Switch ($Setting.SessionTimeZone.Value)
									"UseServerTimeZone" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Use server time zone"}
									"UseClientTimeZone" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Use client time zone"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Use local time of client could not be determined: $($Setting.SessionTimeZone.Value)"}
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\TWAIN devices"
							If($Setting.TwainRedirection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\TWAIN devices\Client TWAIN device redirection: " $Setting.TwainRedirection.State
							If($Setting.TwainCompressionLevel.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\TWAIN devices\TWAIN compression level: " 
								Switch ($Setting.TwainCompressionLevel.Value)
									"None"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "None"}
									"Low"    {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Low"}
									"Medium" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Medium"}
									"High"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "High"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "TWAIN compression level could not be determined: $($Setting.TwainCompressionLevel.Value)"}
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\USB devices"
							If($Setting.UsbDeviceRedirection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\USB devices\Client USB device redirection: " $Setting.UsbDeviceRedirection.State
							If($Setting.UsbDeviceRedirectionRules.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\USB devices\Client USB device redirection rules: " 
								$array = $Setting.UsbDeviceRedirectionRules.Values
								ForEach($element in $array)
									WriteWordLine 0 3 $element
								$array = $Null
							If($Setting.UsbPlugAndPlayRedirection.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\USB devices\Client USB Plug and Play device redirection: " $Setting.UsbPlugAndPlayRedirection.State
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tICA\Visual Display"
							If($Setting.FramesPerSecond.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Visual Display\Max Frames Per Second (fps): " $Setting.FramesPerSecond.Value
							If($Setting.ProgressiveCompressionLevel.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Visual Display\Moving Images\Progressive compression level: " -nonewline
								Switch ($Setting.ProgressiveCompressionLevel.Value)
									"UltraHigh" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Ultra high"}
									"VeryHigh"  {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Very high"}
									"High"      {WriteWordLine 0 0 "High"}
									"Normal"    {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Normal"}
									"Low"       {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Low"}
									"None"      {WriteWordLine 0 0 "None"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Progressive compression level could not be determined: $($Setting.ProgressiveCompressionLevel.Value)"}
							If($Setting.ProgressiveCompressionThreshold.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Visual Display\Moving Images\Progressive compression "
								WriteWordLine 0 3 "threshold value (Kbps): " $Setting.ProgressiveCompressionThreshold.Value
							If($Setting.ExtraColorCompression.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Visual Display\Still Images\Extra Color Compression: " $Setting.ExtraColorCompression.State
							If($Setting.ExtraColorCompressionThreshold.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Visual Display\Still Images\Extra Color Compression Threshold (Kbps): " $Setting.ExtraColorCompressionThreshold.Value
							If($Setting.ProgressiveHeavyweightCompression.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Visual Display\Still Images\Heavyweight compression: " $Setting.ProgressiveHeavyweightCompression.State
							If($Setting.LossyCompressionLevel.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Visual Display\Still Images\Lossy compression level: " 
								Switch ($Setting.LossyCompressionLevel.Value)
									"None"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "None"}
									"Low"    {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Low"}
									"Medium" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Medium"}
									"High"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "High"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Lossy compression level could not be determined: $($Setting.LossyCompressionLevel.Value)"}
							If($Setting.LossyCompressionThreshold.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "ICA\Visual Display\Still Images\Lossy compression threshold value (Kbps): " 
								WriteWordLine 0 3 $Setting.LossyCompressionThreshold.Value
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tServer Session Settings"
							If($Setting.SessionImportance.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Session Settings\Session importance: " 
								Switch ($Setting.SessionImportance.Value)
									"Low"    {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Low"}
									"Normal" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Normal"}
									"High"   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "High"}
									Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Session importance could not be determined: $($Setting.SessionImportance.Value)"}
							If($Setting.SingleSignOn.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Session Settings\Single Sign-On: " $Setting.SingleSignOn.State
							If($Setting.SingleSignOnCentralStore.State -ne "NotConfigured")
								WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Session Settings\Single Sign-On central store: " $Setting.SingleSignOnCentralStore.Value
					WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Unable to retrieve settings"
				$Filter = $Null
				$Settings = $Null
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tFinished $($Policy.PolicyName)`t$($Policy.Type)"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "$($Policy.Type) Policy - $($Policy.PolicyName)"
				If($xDriveName -eq "")
		Write-Warning "Citrix Policy information could not be retrieved."

	$Policies = $Null
	If($xDriveName -ne "")
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tRemoving ADGpoDrv PSDrive"
		Remove-PSDrive ADGpoDrv -EA 0
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

Function GetCtxGPOsInAD
	#thanks to the Citrix Engineering Team for pointers and for Michael B. Smith for creating the function
	#updated 07-Nov-13 to work in a Windows Workgroup environment
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Testing for an Active Directory environment"
	$root = [ADSI]"LDAP://RootDSE"
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Not in an Active Directory environment"
		$root = $null
		$xArray = @()
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): In an Active Directory environment"
		$domainNC = $root.defaultNamingContext.ToString()
		$root = $null
		$xArray = @()

		$domain = $domainNC.Replace( 'DC=', '' ).Replace( ',', '.' )
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Searching \\$($domain)\sysvol\$($domain)\Policies"
		$sysvolFiles = @()
		$sysvolFiles = dir -Recurse ( '\\' + $domain  + '\sysvol\' + $domain + '\Policies' ) -EA 0
		If($sysvolFiles.Count -eq 0)
			Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Search timed out.  Retrying.  Searching \\ + $($domain)\sysvol\$($domain)\Policies a second time."
			$sysvolFiles = dir -Recurse ( '\\' + $domain  + '\sysvol\' + $domain + '\Policies' ) -EA 0
		foreach( $file in $sysvolFiles )
			If( -not $file.PSIsContainer )
				#$file.FullName  ### name of the policy file
				If( $file.FullName -like "*\Citrix\GroupPolicy\Policies.gpf" )
					#"have match " + $file.FullName ### name of the Citrix policies file
					$array = $file.FullName.Split( '\' )
					If( $array.Length -gt 7 )
						$gp = $array[ 6 ].ToString()
						$gpObject = [ADSI]( "LDAP://" + "CN=" + $gp + ",CN=Policies,CN=System," + $domainNC )
						$xArray += $gpObject.DisplayName	### name of the group policy object
	Return ,$xArray

Function BuildTableForServerOrWG

	If(-not ($xArray -is [Array]))
		$xArray = (,$xArray)
	[int]$MaxLength = 0
	[int]$TmpLength = 0
	ForEach($xName in $xArray)
		$TmpLength = $xName.Length
		If($TmpLength -gt $MaxLength)
			$MaxLength = $TmpLength
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMax length of server name is $($MaxLength)"
	$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
	[int]$Columns = [Math]::Floor(60 / $MaxLength)
	If($xArray.count -lt $Columns)
		[int]$Rows = 1
		#not enough array items to fill columns so use array count
		$MaxCells = $xArray.Count
		#reset column count so there are no empty columns
		$Columns = $xArray.Count 
		[int]$Rows = [Math]::Floor( ( $xArray.count + $Columns - 1 ) / $Columns)
		#more array items than columns so don't go past last column
		$MaxCells = $Columns
	$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
	$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
	$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
	$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
	[int]$xRow = 1
	[int]$ArrayItem = 0
	While($xRow -le $Rows)
		For($xCell=1; $xCell -le $MaxCells; $xCell++)
			$Table.Cell($xRow,$xCell).Range.Text = $xArray[$ArrayItem]
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove table to the right"

	#return focus back to document
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tReturn focus back to document"
	$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

	#move to the end of the current document
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove to the end of the current document"
	$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
	$xArray = $Null

#Script begins

$script:startTime = Get-Date

If(!(Check-NeededPSSnapins "Citrix.Common.Commands","Citrix.XenApp.Commands"))
    #We're missing Citrix Snapins that we need
    Write-Error "Missing Citrix PowerShell Snap-ins Detected, check the console above for more information. Are you sure you are running this script on a XenApp 6.5 Server? Script will now close."


#if software inventory is specified then verify SoftwareExclusions.txt exists
	If(!(Test-Path "$($pwd.path)\SoftwareExclusions.txt"))
		Write-Error "Software inventory requested but $($pwd.path)\SoftwareExclusions.txt does not exist.  Script cannot continue."

	#file does exist but can we access it?
	$x = Get-Content "$($pwd.path)\SoftwareExclusions.txt" -EA 0
		Write-Error "There was an error accessing or reading $($pwd.path)\SoftwareExclusions.txt.  Script cannot continue."
	$x = $Null

[bool]$Remoting = $False
$RemoteXAServer = Get-XADefaultComputerName -EA 0
	$Remoting = $True

	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Remoting is enabled to XenApp server $RemoteXAServer"
	#now need to make sure the script is not being run against a session-only host
	$Server = Get-XAServer -ServerName $RemoteXAServer -EA 0
	If($Server.ElectionPreference -eq "WorkerMode")
		Write-Warning "This script cannot be run remotely against a Session-only Host Server."
		Write-Warning "Use Set-XADefaultComputerName XA65ControllerServerName or run the script on a controller."
		Write-Error "Script cannot continue.  See messages above."
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Remoting is not being used"

	#now need to make sure the script is not being run on a session-only host
	$ServerName = (Get-Childitem env:computername).value
	$Server = Get-XAServer -ServerName $ServerName -EA 0
	If($Server.ElectionPreference -eq "WorkerMode")
		Write-Warning "This script cannot be run on a Session-only Host Server if Remoting is not enabled."
		Write-Warning "Use Set-XADefaultComputerName XA65ControllerServerName or run the script on a controller."
		Write-Error "Script cannot continue.  See messages above."

# Get farm information
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Getting Farm data"
$farm = Get-XAFarm -EA 0

	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Verify farm version"
	#first check to make sure this is a XenApp 6.5 farm
	If($Farm.ServerVersion.ToString().SubString(0,3) -eq "6.5")
		#this is a XenApp 6.5 farm, script can proceed
		#this is not a XenApp 6.5 farm, script cannot proceed
		Write-Warning "This script is designed for XenApp 6.5 and should not be run on previous versions of XenApp"
		Return 1
	[string]$FarmName = $farm.FarmName
	[string]$Title = "Inventory Report for the $($FarmName) Farm"
		[string]$filename1 = "$($pwd.path)\$($farm.FarmName)_Summary.docx"
		[string]$filename1 = "$($pwd.path)\$($farm.FarmName).docx"
			[string]$filename2 = "$($pwd.path)\$($farm.FarmName)_Summary.pdf"
			[string]$filename2 = "$($pwd.path)\$($farm.FarmName).pdf"
	Write-Warning "Farm information could not be retrieved"
		Write-Error "A remote connection to $RemoteXAServer could not be established.  Script cannot continue."
		Write-Error "Farm information could not be retrieved.  Script cannot continue."
$farm = $Null

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Setting up Word"

# Setup word for output
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Create Word comObject.  If you are not running Word 2007, ignore the next message."
$Word = New-Object -comobject "Word.Application" -EA 0

If(!$? -or $Word -eq $Null)
	Write-Warning "The Word object could not be created.  You may need to repair your Word installation."
	Write-Error "The Word object could not be created.  You may need to repair your Word installation.  Script cannot continue."

[int]$WordVersion = [int]$Word.Version
If($WordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
	$WordProduct = "Word 2013"
ElseIf($WordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
	$WordProduct = "Word 2010"
ElseIf($WordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
	$WordProduct = "Word 2007"
	Write-Error "You are running an untested or unsupported version of Microsoft Word.  Script will end.  Please send info on your version of Word to [email protected]"

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Running Microsoft $WordProduct"

If($PDF -and $WordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Verify the Word 2007 Save As PDF add-in is installed"
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): The Word 2007 Save As PDF add-in is installed"

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Validate company name"
#only validate CompanyName if the field is blank
	$CompanyName = ValidateCompanyName
		Write-Warning "Company Name cannot be blank."
		Write-Warning "Check HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo for Company or CompanyName value."
		Write-Error "Script cannot continue.  See messages above."

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Check Default Cover Page for language specific version"
[bool]$CPChanged = $False
Switch ($PSCulture.Substring(0,3))
	'ca-'	{
			If($CoverPage -eq "Sideline")
				$CoverPage = "Línia lateral"
				$CPChanged = $True

	'da-'	{
			If($CoverPage -eq "Sideline")
				$CoverPage = "Sidelinje"
				$CPChanged = $True

	'de-'	{
			If($CoverPage -eq "Sideline")
				$CoverPage = "Randlinie"
				$CPChanged = $True

	'es-'	{
			If($CoverPage -eq "Sideline")
				$CoverPage = "Línea lateral"
				$CPChanged = $True

	'fi-'	{
			If($CoverPage -eq "Sideline")
				$CoverPage = "Sivussa"
				$CPChanged = $True

	'fr-'	{
			If($CoverPage -eq "Sideline")
				If($WordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
					$CoverPage = "Lignes latérales"
					$CPChanged = $True
					$CoverPage = "Ligne latérale"
					$CPChanged = $True

	'nb-'	{
			If($CoverPage -eq "Sideline")
				$CoverPage = "Sidelinje"
				$CPChanged = $True

	'nl-'	{
			If($CoverPage -eq "Sideline")
				$CoverPage = "Terzijde"
				$CPChanged = $True

	'pt-'	{
			If($CoverPage -eq "Sideline")
				$CoverPage = "Linha Lateral"
				$CPChanged = $True

	'sv-'	{
			If($CoverPage -eq "Sideline")
				$CoverPage = "Sidlinje"
				$CPChanged = $True

	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Changed Default Cover Page from Sideline to $($CoverPage)"

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Validate cover page"
[bool]$ValidCP = ValidateCoverPage $WordVersion $CoverPage
	Write-Error "For $WordProduct, $CoverPage is not a valid Cover Page option.  Script cannot continue."

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Company Name : $CompanyName"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Cover Page   : $CoverPage"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): User Name    : $UserName"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Save As PDF  : $PDF"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): HW Inventory : $Hardware"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): SW Inventory : $Software"
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Start Date   : $StartDate"
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): End Date     : $EndDate"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Summary      : $Summary"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Farm Name    : $FarmName"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Title        : $Title"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Filename1    : $filename1"
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Filename2    : $filename2"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): OS Detected  : $RunningOS"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): PSUICulture  : $PSUICulture"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): PSCulture    : $PSCulture"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Word version : $WordProduct"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Word language: $($Word.Language)"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): PoSH version : $($Host.Version)"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Script start : $($Script:StartTime)"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

$Word.Visible = $False

#using Jeff's Demo-WordReport.ps1 file for examples
#down to $configlog = $False is from Jeff Hicks
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Load Word Templates"

[bool]$CoverPagesExist = $False
[bool]$BuildingBlocksExist = $False

If($WordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
	$BuildingBlocks = $word.Templates | Where {$ -eq "Building Blocks.dotx"}
	$BuildingBlocks = $word.Templates | Where {$ -eq "Built-In Building Blocks.dotx"}

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Attempt to load cover page $($CoverPage)"
$part = $Null

If($BuildingBlocks -ne $Null)
	$BuildingBlocksExist = $True

		{$part = $BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockEntries.Item($CoverPage)}

		{$part = $Null}

	If($part -ne $Null)
		$CoverPagesExist = $True

	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Cover Pages are not installed or the Cover Page $($CoverPage) does not exist."
	Write-Warning "Cover Pages are not installed or the Cover Page $($CoverPage) does not exist."
	Write-Warning "This report will not have a Cover Page."

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Create empty word doc"
$Doc = $Word.Documents.Add()
If($Doc -eq $Null)
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
	Write-Error "An empty Word document could not be created.  Script cannot continue."

$Selection = $Word.Selection
If($Selection -eq $Null)
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
	Write-Error "An unknown error happened selecting the entire Word document for default formatting options.  Script cannot continue."

#set Default tab stops to 1/2 inch (this line is not from Jeff Hicks)
#36 = .50"
$Word.ActiveDocument.DefaultTabStop = 36

#Disable Spell and Grammar Check to resolve issue and improve performance (from Pat Coughlin)
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Disable grammar and spell checking"
$Word.Options.CheckGrammarAsYouType = $False
$Word.Options.CheckSpellingAsYouType = $False

	#insert new page, getting ready for table of contents
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Insert new page, getting ready for table of contents"
	$part.Insert($selection.Range,$True) | out-null

	#table of contents
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Table of Contents - $($myHash.Word_TableOfContents)"
	$toc = $BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockEntries.Item($myHash.Word_TableOfContents)
	If($toc -eq $Null)
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Table of Content - $($myHash.Word_TableOfContents) could not be retrieved."
		Write-Warning "This report will not have a Table of Contents."
		$toc.insert($selection.Range,$True) | out-null
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Table of Contents are not installed."
	Write-Warning "Table of Contents are not installed so this report will not have a Table of Contents."

#set the footer
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Set the footer"
[string]$footertext = "Report created by $username"

#get the footer
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Get the footer and format font"
$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekPrimaryFooter
#get the footer and format font
$footers = $doc.Sections.Last.Footers
ForEach($footer in $footers) 
		$ = "Calibri"
		$footer.range.Font.size = 8
		$footer.range.Font.Italic = $True
		$footer.range.Font.Bold = $True
} #end ForEach
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Footer text"
$selection.HeaderFooter.Range.Text = $footerText

#add page numbering
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Add page numbering"
$selection.HeaderFooter.PageNumbers.Add($wdAlignPageNumberRight) | Out-Null

#return focus to main document
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Return focus to main document"
$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

#move to the end of the current document
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Move to the end of the current document"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date):"
$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
#end of Jeff Hicks 

	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processing Configuration Logging"
	[bool]$ConfigLog = $False
	$ConfigurationLogging = Get-XAConfigurationLog -EA 0

		WriteWordLine 1 0 "Configuration Logging"
			$ConfigLog = $True
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Configuration Logging is enabled."
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Allow changes to the farm when logging database is disconnected: " $ConfigurationLogging.ChangesWhileDisconnectedAllowed
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Require administrator to enter credentials before clearing the log: " $ConfigurationLogging.CredentialsOnClearLogRequired
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Database type: " $ConfigurationLogging.DatabaseType
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Authentication mode: " $ConfigurationLogging.AuthenticationMode
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Connection string: " 
			$Tmp = "`t`t" + $ConfigurationLogging.ConnectionString.replace(";","`n`t`t`t")
			WriteWordLine 0 1 $Tmp -NoNewline
			WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "User name: " $ConfigurationLogging.UserName
			$Tmp = $Null
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Configuration Logging is disabled."
		Write-Warning  "Configuration Logging could not be retrieved"
	$ConfigurationLogging = $Null
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Configuration Logging"
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processing Administrators"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tSetting summary variables"
[int]$TotalFullAdmins = 0
[int]$TotalViewAdmins = 0
[int]$TotalCustomAdmins = 0
[int]$TotalAdmins = 0

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Administrators"
$Administrators = Get-XAAdministrator -EA 0 | Sort-Object AdministratorName

	WriteWordLine 1 0 "Administrators:"
	ForEach($Administrator in $Administrators)
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing administrator $($Administrator.AdministratorName)"
			WriteWordLine 2 0 $Administrator.AdministratorName
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Administrator type: " -nonewline
			Switch ($Administrator.AdministratorType)
				"Unknown"  {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
				"Full"     {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Full Administration"; $TotalFullAdmins++}
				"ViewOnly" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "View Only"; $TotalViewAdmins++}
				"Custom"   {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Custom"; $TotalCustomAdmins++}
				Default    {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Administrator type could not be determined: $($Administrator.AdministratorType)"}
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Administrator account is " -NoNewLine
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Enabled" 
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Disabled" 
			If($Administrator.AdministratorType -eq "Custom") 
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Farm Privileges:"
				ForEach($farmprivilege in $Administrator.FarmPrivileges) 
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessing farm privilege $farmprivilege"
					Switch ($farmprivilege)
						"Unknown"                   {WriteWordLine 0 2 "Unknown"}
						"ViewFarm"                  {WriteWordLine 0 2 "View farm management"}
						"EditZone"                  {WriteWordLine 0 2 "Edit zones"}
						"EditConfigurationLog"      {WriteWordLine 0 2 "Configure logging for the farm"}
						"EditFarmOther"             {WriteWordLine 0 2 "Edit all other farm settings"}
						"ViewAdmins"                {WriteWordLine 0 2 "View Citrix administrators"}
						"LogOnConsole"              {WriteWordLine 0 2 "Log on to console"}
						"LogOnWIConsole"            {WriteWordLine 0 2 "Logon on to Web Interface console"}
						"ViewLoadEvaluators"        {WriteWordLine 0 2 "View load evaluators"}
						"AssignLoadEvaluators"      {WriteWordLine 0 2 "Assign load evaluators"}
						"EditLoadEvaluators"        {WriteWordLine 0 2 "Edit load evaluators"}
						"ViewLoadBalancingPolicies" {WriteWordLine 0 2 "View load balancing policies"}
						"EditLoadBalancingPolicies" {WriteWordLine 0 2 "Edit load balancing policies"}
						"ViewPrinterDrivers"        {WriteWordLine 0 2 "View printer drivers"}
						"ReplicatePrinterDrivers"   {WriteWordLine 0 2 "Replicate printer drivers"}
						Default {WriteWordLine 0 2 "Farm privileges could not be determined: $($farmprivilege)"}

				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessing folder privileges"
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Folder Privileges:"
				ForEach($folderprivilege in $Administrator.FolderPrivileges) 
					#The Citrix PoSH cmdlet only returns data for three folders:

					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tProcessing folder permissions for $($FolderPrivilege.FolderPath)"
					WriteWordLine 0 2 $FolderPrivilege.FolderPath
					ForEach($FolderPermission in $FolderPrivilege.FolderPrivileges)
						Switch ($folderpermission)
							"Unknown"                          {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Unknown"}
							"ViewApplications"                 {WriteWordLine 0 3 "View applications"}
							"EditApplications"                 {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Edit applications"}
							"TerminateProcessApplication"      {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Terminate process that is created as a result of launching a published application"}
							"AssignApplicationsToServers"      {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Assign applications to servers"}
							"ViewServers"                      {WriteWordLine 0 3 "View servers"}
							"EditOtherServerSettings"          {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Edit other server settings"}
							"RemoveServer"                     {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Remove a bad server from farm"}
							"TerminateProcess"                 {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Terminate processes on a server"}
							"ViewSessions"                     {WriteWordLine 0 3 "View ICA/RDP sessions"}
							"ConnectSessions"                  {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Connect sessions"}
							"DisconnectSessions"               {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Disconnect sessions"}
							"LogOffSessions"                   {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Log off sessions"}
							"ResetSessions"                    {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Reset sessions"}
							"SendMessages"                     {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Send messages to sessions"}
							"ViewWorkerGroups"                 {WriteWordLine 0 3 "View worker groups"}
							"AssignApplicationsToWorkerGroups" {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Assign applications to worker groups"}
							Default {WriteWordLine 0 3 "Folder permission could not be determined: $($folderpermissions)"}
			#WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
			WriteWordLine 0 0 $Administrator.AdministratorName
	Write-Warning "Administrator information could not be retrieved"
$Administrators = $Null
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Administrators"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processing Applications"

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tSetting summary variables"
[int]$TotalPublishedApps = 0
[int]$TotalPublishedContent = 0
[int]$TotalPublishedDesktops = 0
[int]$TotalStreamedApps = 0
[int]$TotalApps = 0
$SessionSharingItems = @()

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Applications"
	$Applications = Get-XAApplication -EA 0 | Sort-Object DisplayName
	$Applications = Get-XAApplication -EA 0 | Sort-Object FolderPath, DisplayName

If($? -and $Applications -ne $Null)
	WriteWordLine 1 0 "Applications:"

	ForEach($Application in $Applications)
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing application $($Application.BrowserName)"

			If($Application.ApplicationType -ne "ServerDesktop" -and $Application.ApplicationType -ne "Content")
				#create array for appendix A
				#these items are taken from
				#Some properties that must match on both Applications for Session Sharing to Function are:
				#Color depth
				#Screen Size
				#Access Control Filters (for SmartAccess)
				#Sound (unexplained in article)
				#Drive Mapping (unexplained in article)
				#Printer Mapping (unexplained in article)

				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tGather session sharing info for Appendix A"
				$obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
				$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ApplicationName      -Value $Application.BrowserName
				$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MaximumColorQuality  -Value $Application.ColorDepth
				$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SessionWindowSize    -Value $Application.WindowType

					$tmp = @()
					ForEach($filter in $Application.AccessSessionConditions)
						$tmp += $filter
					$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AccessControlFilters -Value $tmp
					$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AccessControlFilters -Value "None"
				$tmp = $Null

				$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Encryption           -Value $Application.EncryptionLevel
				$SessionSharingItems += $obj
			$AppServerInfoResults = $False
			$AppServerInfo = Get-XAApplicationReport -BrowserName $Application.BrowserName -EA 0
				$AppServerInfoResults = $True
			[bool]$streamedapp = $False
			If($Application.ApplicationType -Contains "streamedtoclient" -or $Application.ApplicationType -Contains "streamedtoserver")
				$streamedapp = $True

		#name properties
			WriteWordLine 2 0 $Application.DisplayName
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Application name`t`t: " $Application.BrowserName
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Disable application`t`t: " -NoNewLine
			#weird, if application is enabled, it is disabled!
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Hide disabled application`t: " -nonewline
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Application description`t`t: " $Application.Description

			#type properties
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Application Type`t`t: " -nonewline
			Switch ($Application.ApplicationType)
				"Unknown"                            {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
				"ServerInstalled"                    {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Installed application"; $TotalPublishedApps++}
				"ServerDesktop"                      {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Server desktop"; $TotalPublishedDesktops++}
				"Content"                            {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Content"; $TotalPublishedContent++}
				"StreamedToServer"                   {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Streamed to server"; $TotalStreamedApps++}
				"StreamedToClient"                   {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Streamed to client"; $TotalStreamedApps++}
				"StreamedToClientOrInstalled"        {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Streamed if possible, otherwise accessed from server as Installed application"; $TotalStreamedApps++}
				"StreamedToClientOrStreamedToServer" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Streamed if possible, otherwise Streamed to server"; $TotalStreamedApps++}
				Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Application Type could not be determined: $($Application.ApplicationType)"}
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Folder path`t`t`t: " $Application.FolderPath
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Content Address`t`t: " $Application.ContentAddress

			#if a streamed app
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Citrix streaming app profile address`t`t: " 
				WriteWordLine 0 2 $Application.ProfileLocation
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "App to launch from Citrix stream app profile`t: " 
				WriteWordLine 0 2 $Application.ProfileProgramName
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Extra command line parameters`t`t`t: " 
					WriteWordLine 0 2 $Application.ProfileProgramArguments
				#if streamed, OffWriteWordLine 0 access properties
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Enable offline access`t`t`t`t: " -nonewline
						WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"
						WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Cache preference`t`t`t`t: " -nonewline
					Switch ($Application.CachingOption)
						"Unknown"   {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
						"PreLaunch" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Cache application prior to launching"}
						"AtLaunch"  {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Cache application during launch"}
						Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Could not be determined: $($Application.CachingOption)"}

			#location properties
					If($Application.CommandLineExecutable.Length -lt 40)
						WriteWordLine 0 1 "Command Line`t`t`t: " $Application.CommandLineExecutable
						WriteWordLine 0 1 "Command Line: " 
						WriteWordLine 0 2 $Application.CommandLineExecutable
					If($Application.WorkingDirectory.Length -lt 40)
						WriteWordLine 0 1 "Working directory`t`t: " $Application.WorkingDirectory
						WriteWordLine 0 1 "Working directory: " 
						WriteWordLine 0 2 $Application.WorkingDirectory

				#servers properties
						WriteWordLine 0 1 "Servers:"
						$TempArray = $AppServerInfo.ServerNames | Sort-Object
						BuildTableForServerOrWG $TempArray
						$TempArray = $Null
						WriteWordLine 0 1 "Worker Groups:"
						$TempArray = $AppServerInfo.WorkerGroupNames | Sort-Object
						BuildTableForServerOrWG $TempArray
						$TempArray = $Null
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "Unable to retrieve a list of Servers or Worker Groups for this application"

			#users properties
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Allow anonymous users: " $Application.AnonymousConnectionsAllowed
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Users:"
					ForEach($user in $AppServerInfo.Accounts)
						WriteWordLine 0 2 $user
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "Unable to retrieve a list of Users for this application"

			#shortcut presentation properties
			#application icon is ignored
				If($Application.ClientFolder.Length -lt 30)
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Client application folder`t`t`t`t: " $Application.ClientFolder
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Client application folder`t`t`t`t: " 
					WriteWordLine 0 2 $Application.ClientFolder
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Add to client's start menu"
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "Start menu folder`t`t`t: " $Application.StartMenuFolder
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Add shortcut to the client's desktop"

			#access control properties
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Allow connections made through AGAE`t`t: " -nonewline
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Any connection`t`t`t`t`t: " -nonewline
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Any connection that meets any of the following filters: " $Application.AccessSessionConditionsEnabled
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Access Gateway Filters:"
				$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
				[int]$Columns = 2
				[int]$Rows = $Application.AccessSessionConditions.count + 1
				$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
				$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
				$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
				$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
				[int]$xRow = 1
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tFormat first row with column headings"
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Farm Name"
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Filter"
				ForEach($AccessCondition in $Application.AccessSessionConditions)
					[string]$Tmp = $AccessCondition
					[string]$AGFarm = $Tmp.substring(0, $Tmp.indexof(":"))
					[string]$AGFilter = $Tmp.substring($Tmp.indexof(":")+1)
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`tProcessing row for Access Condition $($Tmp)"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $AGFarm
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $AGFilter

				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tMove table to the right"

				#return focus back to document
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tReturn focus back to document"
				$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

				#move to the end of the current document
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tMove to the end of the current document"
				$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
				$tmp = $Null
				$AGFarm = $Null
				$AGFilter = $Null

			#content redirection properties
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "File type associations:"
					ForEach($filetype in $AppServerInfo.FileTypes)
						WriteWordLine 0 2 $filetype
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "File Type Associations for this application`t: None"
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Unable to retrieve the list of FTAs for this application"

			#if streamed app, Alternate profiles
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Primary application profile location`t`t: " $Application.AlternateProfiles

				#if streamed app, User privileges properties
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Run app as a least-privileged user account`t: " $Application.RunAsLeastPrivilegedUser

			#limits properties
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Limit instances allowed to run in server farm`t: " -NoNewLine

			If($Application.InstanceLimit -eq -1)
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "No limit set"
				WriteWordLine 0 0 $Application.InstanceLimit

			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Allow only 1 instance of app for each user`t: " -NoNewLine

				WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Application importance`t`t`t`t: " -nonewline
				Switch ($Application.CpuPriorityLevel)
					"Unknown"     {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
					"BelowNormal" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Below Normal"}
					"Low"         {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Low"}
					"Normal"      {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Normal"}
					"AboveNormal" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Above Normal"}
					"High"        {WriteWordLine 0 0 "High"}
					Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Application importance could not be determined: $($Application.CpuPriorityLevel)"}

			#client options properties
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Enable legacy audio`t`t`t`t: " -nonewline
			Switch ($Application.AudioType)
				"Unknown" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
				"None"    {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Not Enabled"}
				"Basic"   {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Enabled"}
				Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Enable legacy audio could not be determined: $($Application.AudioType)"}
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Minimum requirement`t`t`t`t: " -nonewline
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Enabled"
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Disabled"
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Enable SSL and TLS protocols`t`t`t: " -nonewline
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Enabled"
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Disabled"
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Encryption`t`t`t`t`t: " -nonewline
				Switch ($Application.EncryptionLevel)
					"Unknown" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
					"Basic"   {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Basic"}
					"LogOn"   {WriteWordLine 0 0 "128-Bit Login Only (RC-5)"}
					"Bits40"  {WriteWordLine 0 0 "40-Bit (RC-5)"}
					"Bits56"  {WriteWordLine 0 0 "56-Bit (RC-5)"}
					"Bits128" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "128-Bit (RC-5)"}
					Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Encryption could not be determined: $($Application.EncryptionLevel)"}
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Minimum requirement`t`t`t`t: " -nonewline
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Enabled"
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Disabled"

			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Start app w/o waiting for printer creation`t: " -NoNewLine
			#another weird one, if True then this is Disabled
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Disabled"
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Enabled"

			#appearance properties
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Session window size`t`t`t`t: " $Application.WindowType
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Maximum color quality`t`t`t`t: " -nonewline
				Switch ($Application.ColorDepth)
					"Unknown"     {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown color depth"}
					"Colors8Bit"  {WriteWordLine 0 0 "256-color (8-bit)"}
					"Colors16Bit" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Better Speed (16-bit)"}
					"Colors32Bit" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Better Appearance (32-bit)"}
					Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Maximum color quality could not be determined: $($Application.ColorDepth)"}
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Hide application title bar`t`t`t: " -nonewline
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Enabled"
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Disabled"
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Maximize application at startup`t`t`t: " -nonewline
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Enabled"
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Disabled"
			$AppServerInfo = $Null
			WriteWordLine 0 0 $Application.DisplayName
ElseIf($Applications -eq $Null)
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): There are no Applications published"
	Write-Warning "Application information could not be retrieved."
$Applications = $Null
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Applications"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "


	[int]$TotalConfigLogItems = 0

	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processing Configuration Logging/History Report"
		#history AKA Configuration Logging report
		#only process if $ConfigLog = $True and XA65ConfigLog.udl file exists
		#build connection string
		#User ID is account that has access permission for the configuration logging database
		#Initial Catalog is the name of the Configuration Logging SQL Database
		#bug fixed by Esther Barthel
		If(Test-Path "$($pwd.path)\XA65ConfigLog.udl")
			$ConnectionString = Get-Content "$($pwd.path)\XA65ConfigLog.udl" | select-object -last 1
			$ConfigLogReport = get-CtxConfigurationLogReport -connectionstring $ConnectionString -TimePeriodFrom $StartDate -TimePeriodTo $EndDate -EA 0

			If($? -and $ConfigLogReport)
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tProcessing $($ConfigLogReport.Count) history items"
				WriteWordLine 1 0 "History:"
				$TableRange   = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
				[int]$Columns = 6
				If($ConfigLogReport -is [array])
					[int]$Rows = $ConfigLogReport.Count +1
					[int]$Rows = 2
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Add Configuration Logging table to doc"
				$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
				$table.Style = "Table Grid"
				$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 0
				$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
				$Table.Cell(1,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell(1,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell(1,1).Range.Text = "Date"
				$Table.Cell(1,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell(1,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell(1,2).Range.Text = "Account"
				$Table.Cell(1,3).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell(1,3).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell(1,3).Range.Text = "Change description"
				$Table.Cell(1,4).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell(1,4).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell(1,4).Range.Text = "Type of change"
				$Table.Cell(1,5).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell(1,5).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell(1,5).Range.Text = "Type of item"
				$Table.Cell(1,6).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell(1,6).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell(1,6).Range.Text = "Name of item"
				$xRow = 1
				ForEach($Item in $ConfigLogReport)
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Adding row for $($Item.Description)"
					If($xRow % 2 -eq 0)
						$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray05
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray05
						$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray05
						$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray05
						$Table.Cell($xRow,5).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray05
						$Table.Cell($xRow,6).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray05
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.size = 9
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $Item.Date
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.size = 9
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $Item.Account
					$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Font.size = 9
					$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Text = $Item.Description
					$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Font.size = 9
					$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Text = $Item.TaskType
					$Table.Cell($xRow,5).Range.Font.size = 9
					$Table.Cell($xRow,5).Range.Text = $Item.ItemType
					$Table.Cell($xRow,6).Range.Font.size = 9
					$Table.Cell($xRow,6).Range.Text = $Item.ItemName

				#return focus back to document
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Return focus back to document"

				#move to the end of the current document
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Move to the end of the current document"
				$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
			Write-Warning "Configuration Logging is enabled but the XA65ConfigLog.udl file was not found"
		$ConnectionString = $Null
		$ConfigLogReport = $Null

	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Configuration Logging/History Report"
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

#load balancing policies
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processing Load Balancing Policies"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tSetting summary variables"
[int]$TotalLBPolicies = 0

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Load Balancing Policies"
$LoadBalancingPolicies = Get-XALoadBalancingPolicy -EA 0 | Sort-Object PolicyName

If($? -and $LoadBalancingPolicies -ne $Null)
	WriteWordLine 1 0 "Load Balancing Policies:"
	ForEach($LoadBalancingPolicy in $LoadBalancingPolicies)
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Load Balancing Policy $($LoadBalancingPolicy.PolicyName)"
		$LoadBalancingPolicyConfiguration = Get-XALoadBalancingPolicyConfiguration -PolicyName $LoadBalancingPolicy.PolicyName -EA 0
		$LoadBalancingPolicyFilter = Get-XALoadBalancingPolicyFilter -PolicyName $LoadBalancingPolicy.PolicyName -EA 0

			WriteWordLine 2 0 $LoadBalancingPolicy.PolicyName
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Description`t: " $LoadBalancingPolicy.Description
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Enabled`t`t: " -nonewline
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Priority`t`t: " $LoadBalancingPolicy.Priority

			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Filter based on Access Control: " -nonewline
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Apply to connections made through Access Gateway: " -nonewline
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"
						WriteWordLine 0 2 "Any connection"
						WriteWordLine 0 2 "Any connection that meets any of the following filters"
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tCreate table for Load Balancing Policy Access Session Condition"
							$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
							[int]$Columns = 2
							[int]$Rows = $LoadBalancingPolicyFilter.AccessSessionConditions.count + 1
							$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
							$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
							$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
							$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
							[int]$xRow = 1
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tFormat first row with column headings"
							$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
							$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
							$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Farm Name"
							$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
							$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
							$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Filter"
							ForEach($AccessSessionCondition in $LoadBalancingPolicyFilter.AccessSessionConditions)
								[string]$Tmp = $AccessSessionCondition
								[string]$AGFarm = $Tmp.substring(0, $Tmp.indexof(":"))
								[string]$AGFilter = $Tmp.substring($Tmp.indexof(":")+1)
								Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t`tProcessing row for Access Session Condition $($Tmp)"
								$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $AGFarm
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $AGFilter

							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tMove table to the right"

							#return focus back to document
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tReturn focus back to document"
							$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

							#move to the end of the current document
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tMove to the end of the current document"
							$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
							$tmp = $Null
							$AGFarm = $Null
							$AGFilter = $Null

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Filter based on client IP address"
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "Apply to all client IP addresses"
						ForEach($AllowedIPAddress in $LoadBalancingPolicyFilter.AllowedIPAddresses)
							WriteWordLine 0 2 "Client IP Address Matched: " $AllowedIPAddress
						ForEach($DeniedIPAddress in $LoadBalancingPolicyFilter.DeniedIPAddresses)
							WriteWordLine 0 2 "Client IP Address Ignored: " $DeniedIPAddress
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Filter based on client name"
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "Apply to all client names"
						ForEach($AllowedClientName in $LoadBalancingPolicyFilter.AllowedClientNames)
							WriteWordLine 0 2 "Client Name Matched: " $AllowedClientName
						ForEach($DeniedClientName in $LoadBalancingPolicyFilter.DeniedClientNames)
							WriteWordLine 0 2 "Client Name Ignored: " $DeniedClientName
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Filter based on user"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Apply to anonymous users: " -nonewline
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "Yes"
					WriteWordLine 0 0 "No"
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "Apply to all explicit (non-anonymous) users"
						ForEach($AllowedAccount in $LoadBalancingPolicyFilter.AllowedAccounts)
							WriteWordLine 0 2 "User Matched: " $AllowedAccount
						ForEach($DeniedAccount in $LoadBalancingPolicyFilter.DeniedAccounts)
							WriteWordLine 0 2 "User Ignored: " $DeniedAccount
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Configure application connection preference based on worker group"
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tCreate table for Load Balancing Policy Worker Group Filter"
					$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
					[int]$Columns = 2
					[int]$Rows = $LoadBalancingPolicyConfiguration.WorkerGroupPreferences.count + 1
					$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
					$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
					$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
					$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
					[int]$xRow = 1
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tFormat first row with column headings"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Worker Group"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Priority"
					ForEach($WorkerGroupPreference in $LoadBalancingPolicyConfiguration.WorkerGroupPreferences)
						[string]$Tmp = $WorkerGroupPreference
						[string]$WGName = $Tmp.substring($Tmp.indexof("=")+1)
						[string]$WGPriority = $Tmp.substring($Tmp.indexof(":")+1, (($Tmp.indexof("=")-1)-$Tmp.indexof(":")))
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessing row for Worker Group Filter $($Tmp)"
						$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $WGName
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $WGPriority

					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tMove table to the right"

					#return focus back to document
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tReturn focus back to document"
					$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

					#move to the end of the current document
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`tMove to the end of the current document"
					$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
					$tmp = $Null
					$WGName = $Null
					$WGPriority = $Null
			If($LoadBalancingPolicyConfiguration.StreamingDeliveryProtocolState -eq "Enabled")
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Set the delivery protocols for applications streamed to client"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "" -nonewline
				Switch ($LoadBalancingPolicyConfiguration.StreamingDeliveryOption)
					"Unknown"                {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
					"ForceServerAccess"      {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Do not allow applications to stream to the client"}
					"ForcedStreamedDelivery" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Force applications to stream to the client"}
					Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Delivery protocol could not be determined: $($LoadBalancingPolicyConfiguration.StreamingDeliveryOption)"}
			Elseif($LoadBalancingPolicyConfiguration.StreamingDeliveryProtocolState -eq "Disabled")
				#In the GUI, if "Set the delivery protocols for applications streamed to client" IS selected AND 
				#"Allow applications to stream to the client or run on a Terminal Server (Default)" IS selected
				#then "Set the delivery protocols for applications streamed to client" is set to Disabled
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Set the delivery protocols for applications streamed to client"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Allow applications to stream to the client or run on a Terminal Server (Default)"
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Streamed App Delivery is not configured"

			$LoadBalancingPolicyConfiguration = $Null
			$LoadBalancingPolicyFilter = $Null
			WriteWordLine 0 0 $LoadBalancingPolicy.PolicyName
Elseif($LoadBalancingPolicies -eq $Null)
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): There are no Load balancing policies created"
	Write-Warning "Load balancing policy information could not be retrieved.  "
$LoadBalancingPolicies = $Null
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Load Balancing Policies"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

#load evaluators
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processing Load Evaluators"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tSetting summary variables"
[int]$TotalLoadEvaluators = 0

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Load Evaluators"
$LoadEvaluators = Get-XALoadEvaluator -EA 0 | Sort-Object LoadEvaluatorName

	WriteWordLine 1 0 "Load Evaluators:"
	ForEach($LoadEvaluator in $LoadEvaluators)
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Load Evaluator $($LoadEvaluator.LoadEvaluatorName)"
			WriteWordLine 2 0 $LoadEvaluator.LoadEvaluatorName
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Description: " $LoadEvaluator.Description

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Built-in Load Evaluator"
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "User created load evaluator"

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Application User Load Settings"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report full load when the # of users for this application equals: " $LoadEvaluator.ApplicationUserLoad
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Application: " $LoadEvaluator.ApplicationBrowserName

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Context Switches Settings"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report full load when the # of context Switches per second is > than: " $LoadEvaluator.ContextSwitches[1]
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report no load when the # of context Switches per second is <= to: " $LoadEvaluator.ContextSwitches[0]

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "CPU Utilization Settings"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report full load when the processor utilization % is > than: " $LoadEvaluator.CpuUtilization[1]
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report no load when the processor utilization % is <= to: " $LoadEvaluator.CpuUtilization[0]

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Disk Data I/O Settings"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report full load when the total disk I/O in kbps is > than: " $LoadEvaluator.DiskDataIO[1]
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report no load when the total disk I/O in kbps per second is <= to: " $LoadEvaluator.DiskDataIO[0]

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Disk Operations Settings"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report full load when the total # of R/W operations per second is > than: " $LoadEvaluator.DiskOperations[1]
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report no load when the total # of R/W operations per second is <= to: " $LoadEvaluator.DiskOperations[0]

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "IP Range Settings"
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "Allow " -NoNewLine
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "Deny " -NoNewLine
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "client connections from the listed IP Ranges"
				ForEach($IPRange in $LoadEvaluator.IPRanges)
					WriteWordLine 0 3 "IP Address Ranges: " $IPRange

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Load Throttling Settings"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Impact of logons on load: " -nonewline
				Switch ($LoadEvaluator.LoadThrottling)
					"Unknown"    {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
					"Extreme"    {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Extreme"}
					"High"       {WriteWordLine 0 0 "High (Default)"}
					"MediumHigh" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Medium High"}
					"Medium"     {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Medium"}
					"MediumLow"  {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Medium Low"}
					Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Impact of logons on load could not be determined: $($LoadEvaluator.LoadThrottling)"}

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Memory Usage Settings"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report full load when the memory usage is > than: " $LoadEvaluator.MemoryUsage[1]
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report no load when the memory usage is <= to: " $LoadEvaluator.MemoryUsage[0]

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Page Faults Settings"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report full load when the # of page faults per second is > than: " $LoadEvaluator.PageFaults[1]
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report no load when the # of page faults per second is <= to: " $LoadEvaluator.PageFaults[0]

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Page Swaps Settings"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report full load when the # of page swaps per second is > than: " $LoadEvaluator.PageSwaps[1]
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report no load when the # of page swaps per second is <= to: " $LoadEvaluator.PageSwaps[0]

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Scheduling Settings"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Sunday Schedule`t: " $LoadEvaluator.SundaySchedule
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Monday Schedule`t: " $LoadEvaluator.MondaySchedule
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Tuesday Schedule`t: " $LoadEvaluator.TuesdaySchedule
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Wednesday Schedule`t: " $LoadEvaluator.WednesdaySchedule
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Thursday Schedule`t: " $LoadEvaluator.ThursdaySchedule
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Friday Schedule`t`t: " $LoadEvaluator.FridaySchedule
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Saturday Schedule`t: " $LoadEvaluator.SaturdaySchedule

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Server User Load Settings"
				WriteWordLine 0 2 "Report full load when the # of server users equals: " $LoadEvaluator.ServerUserLoad

			WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
			WriteWordLine 0 0 $LoadEvaluator.LoadEvaluatorName
	Write-Warning "Load Evaluator information could not be retrieved"
$LoadEvaluators = $Null
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Load Evaluators"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processing Servers"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tSetting summary variables"
[int]$TotalControllers = 0
[int]$TotalWorkers = 0
[int]$TotalServers = 0
$ServerItems = @()

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Servers"
	$servers = Get-XAServer -EA 0 | Sort-Object ServerName
	$servers = Get-XAServer -EA 0 | Sort-Object FolderPath, ServerName

	WriteWordLine 1 0 "Servers:"
	ForEach($server in $servers)
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing server $($server.ServerName)"

			[bool]$SvrOnline = $False
			Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tTesting to see if $($server.ServerName) is online and reachable"
			If(Test-Connection -ComputerName $server.servername -quiet -EA 0)
				$SvrOnline = $True
				If($Hardware -and $Software)
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t$($server.ServerName) is online.  Hardware inventory, Software Inventory, Citrix Services and Hotfix areas will be processed."
				ElseIf($Hardware -and !($Software))
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t$($server.ServerName) is online.  Hardware inventory, Citrix Services and Hotfix areas will be processed."
				ElseIf(!($Hardware) -and $Software)
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t$($server.ServerName) is online.  Software Inventory, Citrix Services and Hotfix areas will be processed."
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`t`t$($server.ServerName) is online.  Citrix Services and Hotfix areas will be processed."

			#create array for appendix B
			Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tGather server info for Appendix B"
			$obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
			$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ServerName -Value $server.ServerName
			$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ZoneName -Value $server.ZoneName
			$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OSVersion -Value $server.OSVersion
			$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CitrixVersion -Value $server.CitrixVersion
			$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ProductEdition -Value $server.CitrixEdition
			$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LicenseServer -Value $Server.LicenseServerName			

				$Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $server.ServerName)
					$RegKey= $Reg.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Citrix\\Wfshell\\TWI")
					$SSDisabled = $RegKey.GetValue("SeamlessFlags")

					If($SSDisabled -eq 1)
						$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SessionSharing -Value "Disabled"
						$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SessionSharing -Value "Enabled"
						$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SessionSharing -Value "Not Available"
				$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SessionSharing -Value "Server Offline"

			$ServerItems += $obj

			WriteWordLine 2 0 $server.ServerName
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Product`t`t`t`t: " $server.CitrixProductName
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Edition`t`t`t`t: " $server.CitrixEdition
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Version`t`t`t`t: " $server.CitrixVersion
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Service Pack`t`t`t: " $server.CitrixServicePack
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "IP Address`t`t`t: " $server.IPAddresses
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Logons`t`t`t`t: " -NoNewLine
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Enabled"
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Disabled"
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Logon Control Mode`t`t: " -nonewline
			Switch ($Server.LogOnMode)
				"Unknown"                       {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
				"AllowLogOns"                   {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Allow logons and reconnections"}
				"ProhibitNewLogOnsUntilRestart" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Prohibit logons until server restart"}
				"ProhibitNewLogOns "            {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Prohibit logons only"}
				"ProhibitLogOns "               {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Prohibit logons and reconnections"}
				Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Logon control mode could not be determined: $($Server.LogOnMode)"}

			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Product Installation Date`t: " $server.CitrixInstallDate
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Operating System Version`t: " $server.OSVersion -NoNewLine
			WriteWordLine 0 0 " " $server.OSServicePack
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Zone`t`t`t`t: " $server.ZoneName
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Election Preference`t`t: " -nonewline
			Switch ($server.ElectionPreference)
				"Unknown"           {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
				"MostPreferred"     {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Most Preferred"; $TotalControllers++}
				"Preferred"         {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Preferred"; $TotalControllers++}
				"DefaultPreference" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Default Preference"; $TotalControllers++}
				"NotPreferred"      {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Not Preferred"; $TotalControllers++}
				"WorkerMode"        {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Worker Mode"; $TotalWorkers++}
				Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Server election preference could not be determined: $($server.ElectionPreference)"}
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Folder`t`t`t`t: " $server.FolderPath
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Product Installation Path`t: " $server.CitrixInstallPath
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "License Server Name`t`t: " $server.LicenseServerName
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "License Server Port`t`t: " $server.LicenseServerPortNumber
			If($server.ICAPortNumber -gt 0)
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "ICA Port Number`t`t: " $server.ICAPortNumber
			WriteWordLine 0 0 ""

			If($SvrOnline -and $Hardware)
				GetComputerWMIInfo $server.ServerName

			#applications published to server
			$Applications = Get-XAApplication -ServerName $server.ServerName -EA 0 | Sort-Object FolderPath, DisplayName
			If($? -and $Applications)
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Published applications:"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing published applications for server $($server.ServerName)"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tCreate Word Table for server's published applications"
				$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
				[int]$Columns = 2

				If($Applications -is [Array])
					[int]$Rows = $Applications.count + 1
					[int]$Rows = 2

				$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
				$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
				$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
				$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
				[int]$xRow = 1
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tFormat first row with column headings"
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Display name"
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Folder path"
				ForEach($app in $Applications)
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessing published application $($app.DisplayName)"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $app.DisplayName
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $app.FolderPath
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove table of published applications to the right"

				#return focus back to document
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tReturn focus back to document"
				$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

				#move to the end of the current document
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove to the end of the current document"
				$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
				WriteWordLine 0 0 ""

			#get list of applications installed on server
			# original work by Shaun Ritchie
			# modified by Jeff Wouters
			# modified by Webster
			# fixed, as usual, by Michael B. Smith
			If($SvrOnline -and $Software)
				#section modified on 3-jan-2014 to add displayversion
				$InstalledApps = @()
				$JustApps = @()

				#Define the variable to hold the location of Currently Installed Programs

				#Create an instance of the Registry Object and open the HKLM base key

				#Drill down into the Uninstall key using the OpenSubKey Method

				#Retrieve an array of string that contain all the subkey names
				If($regkey1 -ne $Null)

					#Open each Subkey and use GetValue Method to return the required values for each
					ForEach($key in $subkeys1) 
							$obj = New-Object PSObject
							$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DisplayName" -Value $($thisSubKey.GetValue("DisplayName"))
							$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DisplayVersion" -Value $($thisSubKey.GetValue("DisplayVersion"))
							$InstalledApps += $obj

				If($regkey2 -ne $Null)

					ForEach($key in $subkeys2) 
							$obj = New-Object PSObject
							$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DisplayName" -Value $($thisSubKey.GetValue("DisplayName"))
							$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DisplayVersion" -Value $($thisSubKey.GetValue("DisplayVersion"))
							$InstalledApps += $obj

				$InstalledApps = $InstalledApps | Sort DisplayName

				$tmp1 = SWExclusions
				If($Tmp1 -ne "")
					$Func = ConvertTo-ScriptBlock $tmp1
					$tempapps = Invoke-Command {& $Func}
					$tempapps = $InstalledApps

				$JustApps = $TempApps | Select DisplayName, DisplayVersion | Sort DisplayName -unique

				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Installed applications:"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing installed applications for server $($server.ServerName)"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tCreate Word Table for server's installed applications"
				$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
				[int]$Columns = 2
				[int]$Rows = $JustApps.count + 1

				$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
				$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
				$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
				$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
				[int]$xRow = 1
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tFormat first row with column headings"
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Application name"
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Application version"
				ForEach($app in $JustApps)
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessing installed application $($app.DisplayName)"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $app.DisplayName
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $app.DisplayVersion
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove table of installed applications to the right"

				#return focus back to document
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tReturn focus back to document"
				$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

				#move to the end of the current document
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove to the end of the current document"
				$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
				WriteWordLine 0 0 ""

			#list citrix services
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Citrix services for server $($server.ServerName) by calling Get-Service"
				$services = get-service -ComputerName $server.ServerName -EA 0 | where-object {$_.DisplayName -like "*Citrix*"} | Sort-Object DisplayName
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Citrix Services"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tCreate Word Table for Citrix services"
				$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
				[int]$Columns = 2
				[int]$Rows = $services.count + 1
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tAdd Citrix services table to doc"
				$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
				$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
				$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
				$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
				[int]$xRow = 1
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tFormat first row with column headings"
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Display Name"
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Status"
				ForEach($Service in $Services)
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessing Citrix service $($Service.DisplayName)"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $Service.DisplayName
					If($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorRed
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold  = $True
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Color = $WDColorBlack
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $Service.Status

				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove table of Citrix services to the right"

				#return focus back to document
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tReturn focus back to document"
				$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

				#move to the end of the current document
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove to the end of the current document"
				$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null

				#Citrix hotfixes installed
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tGet list of Citrix hotfixes installed using Get-XAServerHotfix"
				$hotfixes = (Get-XAServerHotfix -ServerName $server.ServerName -EA 0 | Where-Object {$_.Valid -eq $True}) | Sort-Object HotfixName
				If($? -and $hotfixes)
					[int]$Rows = 1
					$Single_Row = (Get-Member -Type Property -Name Length -InputObject $hotfixes -EA 0) -eq $Null
					If(-not $Single_Row)
						$Rows = $Hotfixes.length

					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tNumber of hotfixes is $($Rows-1)"
					$HotfixArray = @()
					[bool]$HRP2Installed = $False
					[bool]$HRP3Installed = $False
					WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
					WriteWordLine 0 1 "Citrix Installed Hotfixes:"
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tCreate Word Table for Citrix Hotfixes"
					$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
					[int]$Columns = 4
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tAdd Citrix installed hotfix table to doc"
					$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
					$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
					$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
					$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
					[int]$xRow = 1
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tFormat first row with column headings"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Size = "10"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Hotfix"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Size = "10"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Installed By"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
					$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Font.Bold = $True
					$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Font.Size = "10"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Text = "Install Date"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
					$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Font.Bold = $True
					$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Font.Size = "10"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Text = "Type"
					ForEach($hotfix in $hotfixes)
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessing Citrix hotfix $($hotfix.HotfixName)"
						$HotfixArray += $hotfix.HotfixName
						If($hotfix.HotfixName -eq "XA650W2K8R2X64R02")
							$HRP2Installed = $True
						If($hotfix.HotfixName -eq "XA650W2K8R2X64R03")
							$HRP3Installed = $True
						$InstallDate = $hotfix.InstalledOn.ToString()

						$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Size = "10"
						$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $hotfix.HotfixName
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Size = "10"
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $hotfix.InstalledBy
						$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Font.Size = "10"
						$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Text = $InstallDate.SubString(0,$InstallDate.IndexOf(" "))
						$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Font.Size = "10"
						$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Text = $hotfix.HotfixType
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove table of Citrix installed hotfixes to the right"

					#return focus back to document
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tReturn focus back to document"
					$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

					#move to the end of the current document
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove to the end of the current document"
					$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
					WriteWordLine 0 0 ""

					#compare Citrix hotfixes to recommended Citrix hotfixes from CTX129229
					#hotfix lists are from CTX129229 dated 16-JUL-2013
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tCompare Citrix hotfixes to recommended Citrix hotfixes from CTX129229"
					# as of the 16-JUL-2013 update, there are recommended hotfixes for pre R02 and none for post R02
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Citrix hotfix list for server $($server.ServerName)"
						$RecommendedList = @()
						$RecommendedList = @()
						$RecommendedList = @("XA650W2K8R2X64001","XA650W2K8R2X64011","XA650W2K8R2X64019","XA650W2K8R2X64025","XA650R01W2K8R2X64061", "XA650W2K8R2X64R02")
					If($RecommendedList.count -gt 0)
						WriteWordLine 0 1 "Citrix Recommended Hotfixes:"
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tCreate Word Table for Citrix Hotfixes"
						$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
						[int]$Columns = 2
						[int]$Rows = $RecommendedList.count + 1
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tAdd Citrix recommended hotfix table to doc"
						$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
						$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
						$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
						$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
						[int]$xRow = 1
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tFormat first row with column headings"
						$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
						$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
						$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Citrix Hotfix"
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Status"
						ForEach($element in $RecommendedList)
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessing Recommended Citrix hotfix $($element)"
							$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $element
							If(!($HotfixArray -contains $element))
								#missing a recommended Citrix hotfix
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorRed
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold  = $True
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Color = $WDColorBlack
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Not Installed"
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Installed"
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove table of Citrix hotfixes to the right"

						#return focus back to document
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tReturn focus back to document"
						$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

						#move to the end of the current document
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove to the end of the current document"
						$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
						WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
					#build list of installed Microsoft hotfixes
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Microsoft hotfixes for server $($server.ServerName)"
					[bool]$GotMSHotfixes = $True

						$results = Get-HotFix -computername $Server.ServerName 
						$MSInstalledHotfixes = $results | select-object -Expand HotFixID | Sort-Object HotFixID
						$results = $Null

						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Get-HotFix failed for $($server.ServerName)"
						$GotMSHotfixes = $False
						Write-Warning "Get-HotFix failed for $($server.ServerName)"
						WriteWordLine 0 0 "Get-HotFix failed for $($server.ServerName)"
						WriteWordLine 0 0 "On $($server.ServerName) you may need to run winmgmt /verifyrepository and winmgmt /salvagerepository"

						If($server.OSServicePack.IndexOf('1') -gt 0)
							#Server 2008 R2 SP1 installed
							$RecommendedList = @("KB2465772", "KB2620656", "KB2647753", "KB2661332", 
											"KB2728738", "KB2748302", "KB2775511", "KB2778831",
											"KB2896256", "KB917607")
							#Server 2008 R2 without SP1 installed
							$RecommendedList = @("KB2265716", "KB2388142", "KB2383928", "KB2465772", 
											"KB2620656", "KB2647753", "KB2661332", "KB2728738", 
											"KB2748302", "KB2775511", "KB2778831", "KB2896256", 
											"KB917607", "KB975777", "KB979530", "KB980663", 

						WriteWordLine 0 1 "Microsoft Recommended Hotfixes (from CTX129229):"
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tCreate Word Table for Microsoft Hotfixes"
						$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
						[int]$Columns = 2
						[int]$Rows = $RecommendedList.count + 1
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tAdd Microsoft hotfix table to doc"
						$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
						$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
						$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
						$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
						[int]$xRow = 1
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tFormat first row with column headings"
						$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
						$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
						$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Microsoft Hotfix"
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
						$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Status"

						$results = @{}
						ForEach($hotfix in $RecommendedList)
							Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessing Microsoft hotfix $($hotfix)"
							$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $hotfix
							If(!($MSInstalledHotfixes -contains $hotfix))
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorRed
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold  = $True
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Color = $WDColorBlack
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Not Installed"
								$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Installed"
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove table of Microsoft hotfixes to the right"

						#return focus back to document
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tReturn focus back to document"
						$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

						#move to the end of the current document
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove to the end of the current document"
						$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
						WriteWordLine 0 1 "Not all missing Microsoft hotfixes may be needed for this server `n`tor might already be replaced and not recorded in CTX129229."
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t$($server.ServerName) is offline or unreachable.  Citrix Services and Hotfix areas skipped."
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "Server $($server.ServerName) was offline or unreachable at "(get-date).ToString()
				WriteWordLine 0 0 "The Citrix Services and Hotfix areas were skipped."
			WriteWordLine 0 0 "" 
			Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tFinished Processing server $($server.ServerName)"
			Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
			WriteWordLine 0 0 $server.ServerName
	Write-Warning "Server information could not be retrieved"
$servers = $Null
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Servers"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

#worker groups
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processing Worker Groups"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tSetting summary variables"
[int]$TotalWGByServerName = 0
[int]$TotalWGByServerGroup = 0
[int]$TotalWGByOU = 0
[int]$TotalWGs = 0

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Worker Groups"
$WorkerGroups = Get-XAWorkerGroup -EA 0 | Sort-Object WorkerGroupName

If($? -and $WorkerGroups -ne $Null)
	WriteWordLine 1 0 "Worker Groups:"
	ForEach($WorkerGroup in $WorkerGroups)
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Worker Group $($WorkerGroup.WorkerGroupName)"
			WriteWordLine 2 0 $WorkerGroup.WorkerGroupName
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Description: " $WorkerGroup.Description
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Folder Path: " $WorkerGroup.FolderPath
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Farm Servers:"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Worker Group by Farm Servers"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tCreate Word Table for Worker Group by Farm Server"
				$TempArray = $WorkerGroup.ServerNames | Sort-Object
				BuildTableForServerOrWG $TempArray
				$TempArray = $Null
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Server Group Accounts:"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Worker Group by Server Groups"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tCreate Word Table for Worker Group by Server Groups"
				$TempArray = $WorkerGroup.ServerGroups | Sort-Object
				BuildTableForServerOrWG $TempArray
				$TempArray = $Null
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Organizational Units:"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Worker Group by OUs"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tCreate Word Table for Worker Group by OUs"
				$TempArray = $WorkerGroup.OUs | Sort-Object
				BuildTableForServerOrWG $TempArray
				$TempArray = $Null
			#applications published to worker group
			$Applications = Get-XAApplication -WorkerGroup $WorkerGroup.WorkerGroupName -EA 0 | Sort-Object FolderPath, DisplayName
			If($? -and $Applications)
				WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Published applications:"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing published applications for Worker Group $($WorkerGroup.WorkerGroupName)"
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tCreate Word Table for Worker Group's published applications"
				$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
				[int]$Columns = 2

				If($Applications -is [Array])
					[int]$Rows = $Applications.count + 1
					[int]$Rows = 2

				$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
				$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
				$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
				$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
				[int]$xRow = 1
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tFormat first row with column headings"
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Display name"
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
				$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Folder path"
				ForEach($app in $Applications)
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessing published application $($app.DisplayName)"
					$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $app.DisplayName
					$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $app.FolderPath
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove table of published applications to the right"

				#return focus back to document
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tReturn focus back to document"
				$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

				#move to the end of the current document
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove to the end of the current document"
				$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
			WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
			WriteWordLine 0 0 $WorkerGroup.WorkerGroupName
ElseIf($WorkerGroups -eq $Null)
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): There are no Worker Groups created"
	Write-Warning "Worker Group information could not be retrieved"
$WorkerGroups = $Null
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Worker Groups"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processing Zones"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tSetting summary variables"
[int]$TotalZones = 0

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Zones"
$Zones = Get-XAZone -EA 0 | Sort-Object ZoneName
	WriteWordLine 1 0 "Zones:"
	ForEach($Zone in $Zones)
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Zone $($Zone.ZoneName)"
			WriteWordLine 2 0 $Zone.ZoneName
			WriteWordLine 0 1 "Current Data Collector: " $Zone.DataCollector
			$Servers = Get-XAServer -ZoneName $Zone.ZoneName -EA 0 | Sort-Object ElectionPreference, ServerName
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Servers in Zone"

				ForEach($Server in $Servers)
					WriteWordLine 0 2 "Server Name and Preference: " $server.ServerName -NoNewLine
					WriteWordLine 0 0  " - " -nonewline
					Switch ($server.ElectionPreference)
						"Unknown"           {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Unknown"}
						"MostPreferred"     {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Most Preferred"}
						"Preferred"         {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Preferred"}
						"DefaultPreference" {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Default Preference"}
						"NotPreferred"      {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Not Preferred"}
						"WorkerMode"        {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Worker Mode"}
						Default {WriteWordLine 0 0 "Zone preference could not be determined: $($server.ElectionPreference)"}
				WriteWordLine 0 1 "Unable to enumerate servers in the zone"
			$Servers = $Null
			WriteWordLine 0 0 $Zone.ZoneName
	Write-Warning "Zone information could not be retrieved"
$Servers = $Null
$Zones = $Null
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Zones"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

[int]$Global:TotalComputerPolicies = 0
[int]$Global:TotalUserPolicies = 0
[int]$Global:TotalIMAPolicies = 0
[int]$Global:TotalADPolicies = 0
[int]$Global:TotalADPoliciesNotProcessed = 0
[int]$Global:TotalPolicies = 0
$ADPoliciesNotProcessed = @()

#if remoting is enabled, the citrix.grouppolicy.commands module does not work with remoting so skip it
	Write-Warning "Remoting is enabled."
	Write-Warning "The Citrix.GroupPolicy.Commands module does not work with Remoting."
	Write-Warning "Citrix Policy documentation will not take place."
	#make sure Citrix.GroupPolicy.Commands module is loaded
	If(!(Check-LoadedModule "Citrix.GroupPolicy.Commands"))
		Write-Warning "The Citrix Group Policy module Citrix.GroupPolicy.Commands.psm1 could not be loaded `nPlease see the Prerequisites section in the ReadMe file ( `nCitrix Policy documentation will not take place"
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
		WriteWordLine 1 0 "Policies:"
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processing Citrix IMA Policies"
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving IMA Farm Policies"
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Citrix IMA Policies"
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

		#thanks to the Citrix Engineering Team for helping me solve processing Citrix AD based Policies
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): See if there are any Citrix AD based policies to process"
		$CtxGPOArray = @()
		$CtxGPOArray = GetCtxGPOsInAD
		If($CtxGPOArray -is [Array] -and $CtxGPOArray.Count -gt 0)
			Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): There are $($CtxGPOArray.Count) Citrix AD based policies to process"

			$CtxGPOArray = $CtxGPOArray | Sort

			ForEach($CtxGPO in $CtxGPOArray)
				Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Creating ADGpoDrv PSDrive"
				New-PSDrive -Name ADGpoDrv -PSProvider CitrixGroupPolicy -Root \ -DomainGpo $($CtxGPO) -Scope "Global" | out-null
				If(Get-PSDrive ADGpoDrv -EA 0)
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processing Citrix AD Policy $($CtxGPO)"

					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving AD Policy $($CtxGPO)"
					ProcessCitrixPolicies "ADGpoDrv"
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Citrix AD Policy $($CtxGPO)"
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
					$ADPoliciesNotProcessed += $CtxGPO
					Write-Warning "$($CtxGPO) is not readable by this XenApp 6.5 server"
					Write-Warning "$($CtxGPO) was probably created by an updated Citrix Group Policy Provider"

				If($Global:TotalADPoliciesNotProcessed -gt 0)
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processing list of Citrix AD Policies not processed"
					$ADPoliciesNotProcessed = $ADPoliciesNotProcessed | Sort -unique
					WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
					WriteWordLine 2 0 "Active Directory Citrix policies that could not be processed:"
					ForEach($Policy in $ADPoliciesNotProcessed)
						Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t Processing skipped Citrix AD policy $($Policy)"
						WriteWordLine 0 1 $Policy
					Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished processing list of Citrix AD Policies not processed"
					WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
			Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Citrix AD Policies"
			Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
			Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): There are no Citrix AD based policies to process"
			Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Citrix Policies"
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Create Appendix A Session Sharing Items"
	WriteWordLine 1 0 "Appendix A - Session Sharing Items from CTX159159"
	#	The Session Sharing Key is generated by the XML Broker in XenApp 6.5.  
	#	Web Interface or StoreFront send the following information to the XML Broker:"
	#	Audio Quality (Policy Setting)"
	#	Client Printer Port Mapping (Policy Setting)"
	#	Client Printer Spooling (Policy Setting)"
	#	Color Depth (Application Setting)"
	#	COM Port Mapping (Policy Setting)"
	#	Display Size (Application Setting)"
	#	Domain Name (Logon)"
	#	EnableSessionSharing (ICA file or Client Registry Setting)"
	#	Encryption Level (Application Setting and Policy Setting.  Policy wins.)"
	#	Farm Name (Web Interface/StoreFront)"
	#	Special Folder Redirection (Policy Setting)"
	#	TWIDisableSessionSharing(ICA file or Client Registry Setting)"
	#	User Name (Logon)"
	#	Virtual COM Port Emulation (Policy Setting)"
	#	This table consists of the above application settings plus
	#	the application settings from CTX159159
	#	Color depth
	#	Screen Size
	#	Access Control Filters (for SmartAccess)
	#	Encryption
	#	In addition, a XenApp server can have Session Sharing disable in a registry key
	#	To disable session sharing, the following registry key must be present.
	#	This information has been added to the Server Appendix B section
	#	Add the following value to disable this feature (this value does not exist by default):
	#	HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Wfshell\TWI\:
	#	Type: REG_DWORD
	#	Value: SeamlessFlags = 1

	$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
	[int]$Columns = 5
	[int]$Rows = $SessionSharingItems.count + 1
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd Session Sharing Items table to doc"
	$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
	$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
	$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
	$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
	[int]$xRow = 1
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tFormat first row with column headings"
	$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
	$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
	$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Application Name"
	$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
	$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
	$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Maximum color quality"
	$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
	$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Font.Bold = $True
	$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Text = "Session window size"
	$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
	$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Font.Bold = $True
	$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Text = "Access Control Filters"
	$Table.Cell($xRow,5).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
	$Table.Cell($xRow,5).Range.Font.Bold = $True
	$Table.Cell($xRow,5).Range.Text = "Encryption"
	ForEach($Item in $SessionSharingItems)
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessing row for application $($Item.ApplicationName)"
		$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $Item.ApplicationName
		$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $Item.MaximumColorQuality
		$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Text = $Item.SessionWindowSize
		$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Text = $Item.AccessControlFilters
		$Table.Cell($xRow,5).Range.Text = $Item.Encryption


	#return focus back to document
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tReturn focus back to document"
	$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

	#move to the end of the current document
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove to the end of the current document"
	$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Create Appendix A - Session Sharing Items"
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Create Appendix B Server Major Items"
	WriteWordLine 1 0 "Appendix B - Server Major Items"
	$TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
	[int]$Columns = 7
	[int]$Rows = $ServerItems.count + 1
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd Major Server Items table to doc"
	$Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Rows, $Columns)
	$table.Style = $myHash.Word_TableGrid
	$table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = 1
	$table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = 1
	[int]$xRow = 1
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tFormat first row with column headings"
	$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
	$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Font.Bold = $True
	$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = "Server Name"
	$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
	$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Font.Bold = $True
	$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = "Zone Name"
	$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
	$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Font.Bold = $True
	$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Text = "OS Version"
	$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
	$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Font.Bold = $True
	$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Text = "Citrix Version"
	$Table.Cell($xRow,5).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
	$Table.Cell($xRow,5).Range.Font.Bold = $True
	$Table.Cell($xRow,5).Range.Text = "Product Edition"
	$Table.Cell($xRow,6).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
	$Table.Cell($xRow,6).Range.Font.Bold = $True
	$Table.Cell($xRow,6).Range.Text = "License Server"
	$Table.Cell($xRow,7).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = $wdColorGray15
	$Table.Cell($xRow,7).Range.Font.Bold = $True
	$Table.Cell($xRow,7).Range.Text = "Session Sharing"
	ForEach($ServerItem in $ServerItems)
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`t`tProcessing row for server $($ServerItem.ServerName)"
		$Table.Cell($xRow,1).Range.Text = $ServerItem.ServerName
		$Table.Cell($xRow,2).Range.Text = $ServerItem.ZoneName
		$Table.Cell($xRow,3).Range.Text = $ServerItem.OSVersion
		$Table.Cell($xRow,4).Range.Text = $ServerItem.CitrixVersion
		$Table.Cell($xRow,5).Range.Text = $ServerItem.ProductEdition
			$Table.Cell($xRow,6).Range.Text = "Set by policy"
			$Table.Cell($xRow,6).Range.Text = $ServerItem.LicenseServer
		$Table.Cell($xRow,7).Range.Text = $ServerItem.SessionSharing


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	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tReturn focus back to document"
	$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

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	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `t`tMove to the end of the current document"
	$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Create Appendix B - Server Major Items"
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

#summary page
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Create Summary Page"
WriteWordLine 1 0 "Summary Page"
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd administrator summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Administrators"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Full Administrators`t: " $TotalFullAdmins
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total View Administrators`t: " $TotalViewAdmins
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Custom Administrators`t: " $TotalCustomAdmins
	WriteWordLine 0 2 "Total Administrators`t: " ($TotalFullAdmins + $TotalViewAdmins + $TotalCustomAdmins)
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd application summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Applications"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Published Applications`t: " $TotalPublishedApps
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Published Content`t`t: " $TotalPublishedContent
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Published Desktops`t: " $TotalPublishedDesktops
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Streamed Applications`t: " $TotalStreamedApps
	WriteWordLine 0 2 "Total Applications`t: " ($TotalPublishedApps + $TotalPublishedContent + $TotalPublishedDesktops + $TotalStreamedApps)
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd configuration logging summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Configuration Logging"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Config Log Items`t`t: " $TotalConfigLogItems 
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd load balancing policies summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Load Balancing Policies"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Load Balancing Policies`t: " $TotalLBPolicies
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd load evaluator summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Load Evaluators"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Load Evaluators`t`t: " $TotalLoadEvaluators
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd server summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Servers"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Controllers`t`t: " $TotalControllers
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Workers`t`t`t: " $TotalWorkers
	WriteWordLine 0 2 "Total Servers`t`t: " ($TotalControllers + $TotalWorkers)
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd worker group summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Worker Groups"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total WGs by Server Name`t: " $TotalWGByServerName
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total WGs by Server Group`t: " $TotalWGByServerGroup
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total WGs by AD Container`t: " $TotalWGByOU
	WriteWordLine 0 2 "Total Worker Groups`t: " ($TotalWGByServerName + $TotalWGByServerGroup + $TotalWGByOU)
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd zone summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Zones"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Zones`t`t`t: " $TotalZones
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd policy summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Policies"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Computer Policies`t`t: " $Global:TotalComputerPolicies
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total User Policies`t`t: " $Global:TotalUserPolicies
	WriteWordLine 0 2 "Total Policies`t`t: " ($Global:TotalComputerPolicies + $Global:TotalUserPolicies)
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "IMA Policies`t`t`t: " $Global:TotalIMAPolicies
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Citrix AD Policies Processed`t: $($Global:TotalADPolicies)`t(AD Policies can contain multiple Citrix policies)"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Citrix AD Policies not Processed`t: " $Global:TotalADPoliciesNotProcessed
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd administrator summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Administrators"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Administrators`t`t: " $TotalAdmins
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd application summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Applications"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Applications`t`t: " $TotalApps
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd load balancing policies summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Load Balancing Policies"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Load Balancing Policies`t: " $TotalLBPolicies
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd load evaluator summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Load Evaluators"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Load Evaluators`t`t: " $TotalLoadEvaluators
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd server summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Servers"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Servers`t`t`t: " $TotalServers
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd worker group summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Worker Groups"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Worker Groups`t`t: " $TotalWGs
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd zone summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Zones"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Zones`t`t`t: " $TotalZones
	WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): `tAdd policy summary info"
	WriteWordLine 0 0 "Policies"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "IMA Policies`t`t`t: " $Global:TotalIMAPolicies
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Citrix AD Policies Processed`t: $($Global:TotalADPolicies)`t(AD Policies can contain multiple Citrix policies)"
	WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Policies`t`t`t: " $Global:TotalPolicies

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finished Create Summary Page"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Finishing up Word document"
#end of document processing
#Update document properties

	Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Set Cover Page Properties"
	_SetDocumentProperty $doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties "Company" $CompanyName
	_SetDocumentProperty $doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties "Title" $title
		_SetDocumentProperty $doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties "Subject" "XenApp 6.5 Summary Farm Inventory"
		_SetDocumentProperty $doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties "Subject" "XenApp 6.5 Farm Inventory"
	_SetDocumentProperty $doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties "Author" $username

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	#set the text
	[string]$abstract = "Citrix XenApp 6.5 Inventory for $CompanyName"
	$ab.Text = $abstract

	$ab = $cp.documentelement.ChildNodes | Where {$_.basename -eq "PublishDate"}
	#set the text
	[string]$abstract = (Get-Date -Format d).ToString()
	$ab.Text = $abstract

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Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Save and Close document and Shutdown Word"
If($WordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
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	#I found this at the following two links
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Saving as DOCX file first before saving to PDF"
		Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Saving DOCX file"
	$saveFormat = [Enum]::Parse([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSaveFormat], "wdFormatDocumentDefault")
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Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): System Cleanup"
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Word) | out-null
Remove-Variable -Name word -Scope Global -EA 0
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Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

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Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): "

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Script started: $($Script:StartTime)"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Script ended: $(Get-Date)"
$runtime = $(Get-Date) - $Script:StartTime
$Str = [string]::format("{0} days, {1} hours, {2} minutes, {3}.{4} seconds", `
        $runtime.Days, `
        $runtime.Hours, `
        $runtime.Minutes, `
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Elapsed time: $($Str)"
$runtime = $Null
$Str = $Null